Don't beat yourself up, it can happen. They're incredibly fragile. Seems like versicolors in particular always want to try and get out of the container. Even super experienced keepers have those "do-over" moments. I had someone with years and years of experience tell me that while he was trying to pack up a T to ship to me that he accidentally caught it in the lid and it shed one leg and had leaks from another. It lived, but it was a pretty good sized T. Slings are so tiny and delicate. Sorry for your loss.
just last month i was taking care of my little bitty P. irmina slings and one shot up the side of the deli cup and my first thought shut the lid. Well i smushed 3 legs and one pedipalp. but 3 is still alive so I guess even stupid keepers get lucky sometimes.
dang that sucks... i always have a fear of closing the lid on one of my slings containers =\. i almost close them a lot on my avicularia slings.. their spunky my kid brother was helping me feed them and a A.metallica who was about 1.5" and caught a leg suddenly the spiders ont he other side of the container and he sees a leg twiching on the ground... he was heartbroken to say the least, but i let him know accidents happen.. good thing is its molted recently and growing that leg back.
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