I cringed


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
My neighbor talked me into taking one of their kittens today. He had really bad selling lines though. "Hey Todd, we've got too many kittens, you want one? They're really nice. They kill the snakes and lizards in your yard. They kill tarantulas too, ..they really come in handy...." I tried to say a few things but some people already have their minds made up about things.


Old Timer
Mar 18, 2007
lol...:rolleyes: I know.. somethings are just better left unexplained because they seem tight to what they believe.


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
My neighbor talked me into taking one of their kittens today. He had really bad selling lines though. "Hey Todd, we've got too many kittens, you want one? They're really nice. They kill the snakes and lizards in your yard. They kill tarantulas too, ..they really come in handy...." I tried to say a few things but some people already have their minds made up about things.
Does he know what you are into, if he does, that was kinda disrespectful dont you think. I tell my neighbors to come get me if they have problems with critters under the auspices I use them for my collection. This way they still think you nuts but dont kill everything that comes in their yard.


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
wow...I'd have punched the guy.
LOL! Yeah, I wasn't thinking. Hey we're just kiddin. We've got around 2 acre yards in this hood so most of the neighbors here kind of keep to themselves, a lot of trees and some fences. So "no" that neighbor doesn't know I have a small bug room. He's a little paranoid, when I start telling him about a plant, bug or herp, he stops me in the middle of it and tries to finish what I'm saying but he doesn't know much about that stuff. I "think" he thinks the local rat snakes are Copperheads. He's a smart doood, he just never studied that stuff. He's had yaupon bushes for over 15 years by his front door and has always thought they were mountain laurels. I tried to tell him they were Yaupons but he wouldn't believe it until he saw mine bloom last year. People like that forget they use to be wrong about something real fast. But anyway, he's cool and is good with his fam. That's all I ask for in a neighbor.


Old Timer
Feb 23, 2008
Does he know what you are into, if he does, that was kinda disrespectful dont you think.
I think people need to not get their feelings hurt when someone tells them something that they don't agree with. I prefer to spend time with people less worried about making me happy and more focused on being themselves - I don't like people who pretend to be something they're not. Remember, he's talking about yard cats - they hunt and kill anything smaller than them. Most people can't stand bugs and snakes, don't hold it against them. They're just being themselves

I tell my neighbors to come get me if they have problems with critters under the auspices I use them for my collection. This way they still think you nuts but dont kill everything that comes in their yard.
I never thought of that, great move! Everyone wins; the bugs live and your collection expands.

I'm a big proponent of "playing to win", great example of it.