I can't believe this day finally came.


Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
My beloved Fluffy died today. She was about two years old. She's been one of the most loving pets I've ever owned (up there with my first cat when I was a kid).

I knew her time on this earth was going to run out soon, but I never thought it would be so soon.

Today, I was checking my email, and she was asleep on her sock (she loved the old sock of mine I gave her). I heard a sudden thump, and then she screamed and started flying all over the cage. I rushed over to see what was wrong. It looked like she was having a seizure.

When she finally calmed down, her breathing was shallow, and she was having trouble inhaling. Her breathing began to slow down. Right before it stopped, I had a brief moment to tell her how much I loved her. She died... right in front of me... So painfully, too...

This rat meant everything to me. She was really my best friend. No matter what, she always loved me back.

I've cried a lot, today. I haven't cried in years, but it came out today. I keep crying on and off. I already miss her so much...

I can't believe our time together was so short...


ps~ the photo of her is only from last night. She seemed fine, then.


Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
Damn Bryan I'm really sorry for ya bro.
We know from the day we get them their going to leave us, but we're never prepared for it. I know the kind of pain it causes all to well. Pets are our kids and we love them. Crying is good for you at times like this. What else can you do? It helps to heal in some small way.
Hang in,



Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
Originally posted by TheEternal

bryan i'm really sorry bro! :( i didn't mean anything bad by it.. i meant booo as in that sucks.. :8o usually when something bad happens i say booooooo.. like how when something's bad or sucks people boo... it's stuck in my head and that's the first that came to my mind when my girl read this to me.. sorry about that man.. i should have known that could be taken wrong.. i didn't realize..

i'm really sorry your friend passed man.. i lost 4 t's in the past 2-3 days and i imagine you where a looooooot closer to your pet then me with my t's as t's aren't affectionate.. i imagine what your going thru is like losing a dog.. anyways sorry again and i hope you get over this soon... :(



Old Timer
Sep 8, 2003
awwww she was a SWEET rat!! very cute! Sorry about that, even when you know its gunna happen it still is pretty harsh. I had an iguana that died over 10 yrs ago and Im still sad :(
Its cool that you got to be there for her in her last moments. It was probably a comfort to her having you there:) .


Old Timer
Oct 7, 2003
So sorry for your loss.It really is heartbreaking when you lose a pet.


Scarlet O' Hairy
Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Im so sorry you lost your baby. I know what you mean when you say she was your best friend. I felt that way about my cat who died, and the one I have now. Theyre just so precious. :(


Got Inverts?
Old Timer
Jan 2, 2003
My condolances Bryan. A loss of any pet (no matter what it is) can be devastating.:(


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
I know how you feel. Every time we lose a rattie.... Shelby and I have a good cry.
In fact, it's become so difficult, I've sworn off getting more for awhile. I can't stand the short life span....


Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
Copied from my Blog

Final thoughts on this...
2004/02/27 14:51 The candle I lit has almost burned down. I feel it's time to post some happy thoughts of Fluffy, then do my best to move on and try to be happy again.

I got Fluffy two years ago, when I was working at Jack's pet shop. Someone came in, right before we were going to close, and brought in a baby hairless rat (bought at another pet shop). She said it was too big, her snake wouldn't eat it, and she wanted to trade it for a small mouse. I put the rat in the back room, but not before handling it. I fell in love, immediately. She went home with me that night, and I named her Fluffy.

Over the next couple of months, I went through a really turbulent time with my pets. I ended up giving Fluffy to a friend of Jess who went to the same college. When Summer rolled around (two months later), she called and asked if it was okay to let her go outside because she couldn't take Fluffy home for the summer. This is how I got Fluffy back.

Over the next year and a half, Fluffy and I became the best of friends. She'd love to run around on my shoulders, bounce around on my bed, steal food from me, play games; She just loved to be playful.

I'll never forget how she used to laugh in my ear when she'd get excited. Her little giggle was almost a teenie grunting noise, but was so precious.

I'll never forget when she learned that Jess's feet were ticklish and she'd always grab them when she wasn't wearing shoes just to hear Jess shreik. Then Fluffy would come laughing back to my side, only to try it again minutes later.

I'll never forget the first time she stole some of my macaroni and cheese, then started offering me pieces of it back by putting them on my arm and looked at me in the eyes. I told her that I was full and she could have it all. Then she'd pick it up off my arm and eat it herself. She still tried to give me several more pieces.

I'll never forget when I took her to the door with me when pizza arrived, and she flipped out, wanting a slice, and scared the pizza guy. She really loved getting pizza every once in a while.

I'll never forget when she'd chase Tammy (my mom's dog) around the room once she learned Tammy was afraid of her. I think Tammy secretly enjoyed it.

I'll never forget how everyone that met her fell in love with the sweet little pink ball of wrinkles, even though they may have been aprehensive at first. Fluffy's personality always shone through and could win anyone over with how loving she was.

I'll never forget her signal for wanting to be put back in her cage to go potty. She'd run up to my shoulder, hug my face, and kiss me on the cheek. It was so adorable that I could help but kiss her back before I put her back.

I'll never forget that whenever I would clean her cage, she'd bounce around on my bed, knowing where she wasn't allowed to go, never making me worry about her. I'd talk to her the whole time and she would get so excited to know what I was doing. I'd always surprise her with a new toy to play with when I did it.


Fluffy was the best pet I've ever owned. I'm going to miss her dearly.

If you believe in reincarnation (as I do), keep your fingers crossed. I've reserved a sugar glider born the night Fluffy died. In eight weeks, I'm buying it. Hopefully my love for Fluffy might just reunite us. <3

Code Monkey

Old Timer
Jul 22, 2002
Bryan, on this I know exactly how you feel. I pretty much gave up keeping rats for several years after watching them go one after another in such a short span. And while I know this is cold comfort, that's a good way for a rat to go - it was fast. Most die very slowly of various cancers and you either let them waste to nothing or you euthanise them at some point.

I'm sorry for your loss, you've been a good member of this community and Fluffy has been on these boards for a long while as well.


Spider Queen
Old Timer
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by Code Monkey
I'm sorry for your loss, you've been a good member of this community and Fluffy has been on these boards for a long while as well.
Thanks, Chip. You're a great guy, you know that? That's a huge compliment from you, and I truly appreciate it.



Old Timer
Dec 6, 2003
AAWwww! Makes me think of my first rat, she was a sweetie! I had to have her euthanised because she was getting really old and just couldn't function:(
A year after she died, we were moving to a new place and I found this huge pile of stuff under the console TV. There was pens, dog food, hair pins, buttons, little bottle caps all stacked into this perfect neat little pile. I cried when I saw it, I missed her lots right then.
I know they don't live long but I just had to get another one. It's been more than 10 years but I finally found this cute little black and white darling about 2 months ago.
So sorry about Fluffy. Rats are great.:(