I just recently bought a 30 gallon fishtank from a friend who used it to keep Cichlids. He gave me everything needed to keep them, the filter, heater, etc. even food and gravel. So i decided to keep fish in it.
So far i've only had experience with keeping a Betta, and doing maintenence on fishtanks at my school. After looking for hours at the different freshwater fish you can buy i narrowed it down to three fish i really like. I know how agressive they are and things like that, but not if they would work in a 30 gallon tank.
The fish are Giant Danio, Merigold Swordtail, and Red Tailed Shark.
Does anyone have experience with these fish? Would that combination of fish work in a 30 gallon? And how many should i get of each if it does work?
Im looking to start with something for beginners, which these fish apparently are.
So far i've only had experience with keeping a Betta, and doing maintenence on fishtanks at my school. After looking for hours at the different freshwater fish you can buy i narrowed it down to three fish i really like. I know how agressive they are and things like that, but not if they would work in a 30 gallon tank.
The fish are Giant Danio, Merigold Swordtail, and Red Tailed Shark.
Does anyone have experience with these fish? Would that combination of fish work in a 30 gallon? And how many should i get of each if it does work?
Im looking to start with something for beginners, which these fish apparently are.