Huntsman care


Apr 29, 2014
So after lots of thought I went ahead and purchased 4 Huntsman slings. 2 Lunlua and 2 Boiei. They are hatchlings and I have heard the whore stories of keeping these guys alive as slings. What are some the vital things to do and the main killers for these guys IE too Moist or dry. I am hoping that I can get my husbandry right to give them the best opurtunity to survive. I really want to be successful in keeping these guys alive. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.


Mar 19, 2020
I have a venatoria. I keep it about like I'd keep an arboreal sling, like a poecilotheria more than an avic tho. It's molted twice in my care but it is fat and gonna molt soon I'm sure. I keep a damp corner and a cork bark tube on a couple inches of substrate. If I remember I'll post a pic. The main thing is, these things are fast. Much fast than any tarantula I've ever seen. Exponentially. Like literally your brain won't be able to register it moving because it's so fast. I've only had mine maybe 3-4 months but no issues so far. But, I'm not playing about the speed. Be ready

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Keep them separated! You won't be fast enough if one goes after another. Otherwise, by observation of them in the wild, Venatoria, the youngsters are perpetually curious and love to roam around. Very fun to watch them exploring. When near adults they turn into pet rocks lurking on walls all day and only prowl at night.


Apr 29, 2014
I have a venatoria. I keep it about like I'd keep an arboreal sling, like a poecilotheria more than an avic tho. It's molted twice in my care but it is fat and gonna molt soon I'm sure. I keep a damp corner and a cork bark tube on a couple inches of substrate. If I remember I'll post a pic. The main thing is, these things are fast. Much fast than any tarantula I've ever seen. Exponentially. Like literally your brain won't be able to register it moving because it's so fast. I've only had mine maybe 3-4 months but no issues so far. But, I'm not playing about the speed. Be ready
I have other Trues/Myglamorph I was just reluctant to get them because of them being so fragile in the Sling stage. I’m defiantly going to swallow my pride and go with the placing their enclosure into bigger enclosure and let them come out on their own method however… I’ve seen videos and they are incredibly fast. Thank you!


Oct 20, 2021
Since they grow so fast, their diet can be hard to maintain.
If i loose a sling it's Because he wasn't eating and gets into molt. Hasn't got enough humudity or energy and dies right after before he's ready to eat again.
I keep huntsman for years and This still happens to me once or twice a year.

I think we've all been there atleast once...