How to tell if Phid. Regius is stressed


Oct 2, 2021
Hey ya’ll I hope every one and their beloved pets are doing alright 😎🤘

I am BRAND NEW to the world of arachnids and I have recently gotten my first Phid. Regius (she’s a freaking cutie named Ramona). I keep her in my room, bc I have roommates, but it tends to get too stuffy in there, so I take her outside for a bit, while we sit and catch some sun and breeze.

My question: would moving her enclosure to go outside stress her out too much? And if so, do any of you have any “tell all signs,” of when my Phid. Regius May be stressed?

Thank you in advanced guys. I just wanna be the best Mama to her!
Also and recommendation on how to better her enclosure are welcomed. She’s itty bitty right now, so I don’t want to add too much stuff so I can find her easily 👌


Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
Jumping spiders (from what I’ve seen) don’t tend to get stressed. Only if there is danger nearby. Which is why most people recommend to take out live prey before they go to sleep, because it can bother them. So just watch how she reacts to you moving her enclosure. If she retreats and hides for a really long time, then I doubt she likes it. But if she’s moving around in there, she’s fine. Jumping spiders aren’t as fragile in the ways most people think, and are more fragile in the ways people forget.


Oct 2, 2021
Jumping spiders (from what I’ve seen) don’t tend to get stressed. Only if there is danger nearby. Which is why most people recommend to take out live prey before they go to sleep, because it can bother them. So just watch how she reacts to you moving her enclosure. If she retreats and hides for a really long time, then I doubt she likes it. But if she’s moving around in there, she’s fine. Jumping spiders aren’t as fragile in the ways most people think, and are more fragile in the ways people forget.
Thank you for this! I appreciate you and your reply- it Definitely calmed my nerves!