How to capture a Rat Creature


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Something had been keeping me up at night. What is was, I didnt know. All that I knew was that I had to discover what the creature scratching and clawing its way around in the attic from 10pm-3am every night was, and then evict it.
Since I am currently staying at my parents place, I informed them of our unwelcome guest. My mom called an exterminator who told us it would be about $600 to "get the job done". Maybe it is just me, but I have seen enough episodes of Billy the Exterminator to know that catching a random Rat Creature (the name that I decided to give the mystery beast.) isnt exactly rocket science, and so, I volunteered my dad and myself for the job.

Our mission? Find Rat Creature, capture Him/Her and remove him/her from the attic.

Since Billy the Exterminator wears ridiculous costumes to do his job, I figured that must be a key component in the fine art of exterminating. Unfortunately since I shower regularly I was already at somewhat of a disadvantage. Undiscouraged, I put together the best outfit I could find for the job.

Rubber gloves, plastic bags to prevent insulation from getting into my shoes, some kind of scarf thing to help reduce the amount of junk I was breathing in....I know I look like a pro, but I swear this was my first time!

My dad also dressed up. He looks less like an exterminator and more like a cowboy-bandit-terrorist (they are the worst kind).

We got our tools ready: peanut butter, crackers and then set up the traps. (Ignore the hammer, it was only there in case something attacked me first.)

Then we left the traps and waited until morning to see if we had captured anything.

That night, as I lay in bed I heard the familiar scuffle of Rat Creature above me. I silently willed him to investigate the traps filled with delicious goodies. After about 5 minutes of shuffling sounds from above, all was quiet, and I fell into a restful nights sleep.

The next morning when I woke up, I immediately wanted to see if Rat Creature had been caught. I figured that if he had in fact been lured into the trap and been caught he would be thirsty from all that peanut butter and crackers (this is the kind of nice person I am)...

Up into the attic my dad went....

"Did we catch anything?!"

"Yep, we got something..."

Now, part of me really did want this thing to be a vicious, ugly, red eyed, sewer rat- it would have made the story that much better. Then we could have dropped some F-bombs and said things like "AAAAHHHH! IT GOTS ME!"...that didnt happen. Why? Because this is what we found.

I swear this guy was so adorable it took all my will power not to stick my fingers in there, scoop him out, and snuggle him to death- that and the fact that it is a Deer Mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus)- and they can carry wonderful things like Hantavirus and Lyme Disease.

Anyways, since I am not a fan of killing adorable mice (even if they keep me up for nights on end, and can be vectors for disease...), my mom and I took him to a nicely wooded area not far from our house and released him next to a stream :) Part of me still cant help but feel like a big meanie though for pulling him out of his nice warm attic and throwing him out into the big, mean, cold world! Now that we are rid of him, and we filled up the cracks that he could have snuck into the attic through, hopefully my nights will continued to be filled with silence and not the sound of Rat Creatures from above.


Old Timer
Jan 18, 2011
Thanks for sharing the story. It was truly riveting, and I cried.
In all seriousness though this really brightened my night. Awesome story!


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
MAN that thing looks evil!, nice job! I saw one yesterday at a garage sale. I opened an old desk in the driveway and one of those evil things was sitting there in the drawer. I slowly closed the drawer and left it there haha. Hey that'd be funny wouldn't it, have one of those in a drawer at a garage sale and have a camera going.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
...not far from our house and released him...
So you want to be doing this on a regular basis? Awesome outfit. I suspect that might be why I can't catch the darned tom cat around here. I'm improperly attired! What would you suggest I wear for cat trapping? (I'm going to ignore anything that involved blue feathers)


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
In this case "not far from our house" means over a river and 10 km away. My dad seems to think these things can "home" like a pigeon or something. And I guess if my science degree and accounting fails I always have this to fall back onto...

In other news, unless my ears deceive me, I am fairly certain I just heard some scuffling over head. I guess it was a good call to leave poison bait up in the attic...I hate doing it but cant risk them chewing on electrical wiring and possibly making us sick! I guess I feel ok about giving mouse #1 a get out of jail free card.

For cat trapping I suggest a bicycle helmet, blue poncho and a broken flash light!
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Old Timer
Nov 16, 2009
the crunchy Skippy was key, these beasts ignore all other forms of bait. Also the bags on your feet masked the sounds of doom that would have alerted your prey to your evil plans to capture them alive. In my experience trying to capture these beasts I have noticed that not showering regular helps quite a bit so you were lucky to catch it on the first try. Also the red feathery looking thing your Dad was wearing probably helped a lot.


Dec 10, 2010
Last year we had a field mice problem. I would catch around 4-5 of them everyday, mark them with a fluorescent green pen and release them in the forest a couple hundred meters from my place. Non of the marked mice ever returned, killing the legend of ever returning mice for me. A little renovation around the roof finished the problem at the end.

I wish you guys didn't use poison bait though, I am not judging you or anything and I understand the reasoning but that is a terrible death for a small furry creature.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
I wish you guys didn't use poison bait though, I am not judging you or anything and I understand the reasoning but that is a terrible death for a small furry creature.
I wish we didnt have to use poison either, however the amount of work to use those live traps (since they have to be checked every day, I would feel horrible if a mouse got in there and we forgot to check and it died from heat/no water...), and the fact that this species specifically can carry some nasty, nasty diseases (including Hantavirus which killed three people in Yosemite Park a couple weeks ago), this really isnt something you want to mess with. In hindsight, it was risky even going up there without proper face-masks on.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
For cat trapping I suggest a bicycle helmet, blue poncho and a broken flash light!
You may not believe this. I returned from my bike ride to suspect the tom was lurking. I carefully looked into the carport but couldn't see much as my flashlight - bike headlight batteries had just died. I was wearing a blue rain poncho and bicycle helmet.


Old Timer
May 8, 2010
Since Billy the Exterminator wears ridiculous costumes to do his job, I figured that must be a key component in the fine art of exterminating. Unfortunately since I shower regularly I was already at somewhat of a disadvantage. Undiscouraged, I put together the best outfit I could find for the job.
You need to check out The Turtleman, from Call Of The Wildman. No fancy costumes, or showers.

Now we need to work on those supernatural orbs, that couldn't possibly be dust particles, in your photos.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
You may not believe this. I returned from my bike ride to suspect the tom was lurking. I carefully looked into the carport but couldn't see much as my flashlight - bike headlight batteries had just died. I was wearing a blue rain poncho and bicycle helmet.
If that isnt a sign, I dont know what is!


Old Timer
Aug 12, 2011
They carry a virus that kills one/third of it's victims? In the words of Spartacus's wife "Kill them all."

It is darn cute though!


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
They carry a virus that kills one/third of it's victims? In the words of Spartacus's wife "Kill them all."

It is darn cute though!
They sure do :( So cute, so deadly!

I am calling my family doctor tomorrow to see if my dad and I should get blood tests...just to be safe.


Old Timer
Feb 27, 2011

Cute story.
I don't use rodenticides, but am not averse to the classic snap mouse and rat traps. Due to the spoor found in my kitchen cabinets, I once elected to set large anchored (half a brick) rat traps baited with cake icing and peanut butter, which I only set when I was home to monitor. One evening I heard one of the traps go off. I hurried to the kitchen and pulled open the drawer to see what the trap would yield. I have no idea what I 'caught' as it carried off trap, tether and anchor.

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
My turn for ratanecdote. A few eons ago I worked in a restaurant up on the north coast of California. Various kitchen staff complained of mice droppings and food being nibbled so I set traps. Nada. Set different kinds of traps. Nada. Traps were triggered but nothing was caught. Then one early morning I arrived at the place to find a 5 pound block of cheddar with about 1 pound munched away sitting in the parking lot about 20 feet from the building. Never did catch whatever it was. To this day I still have no clue what could have toted that block out there that far without the aid of thumbs.


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
my turn for ratanecdote. A few eons ago i worked in a restaurant up on the north coast of california. Various kitchen staff complained of mice droppings and food being nibbled so i set traps. Nada. Set different kinds of traps. Nada. Traps were triggered but nothing was caught. Then one early morning i arrived at the place to find a 5 pound block of cheddar with about 1 pound munched away sitting in the parking lot about 20 feet from the building. Never did catch whatever it was. To this day i still have no clue what could have toted that block out there that far without the aid of thumbs.
Rat Creature!!