How to administer Ivermectin or other icky tasting nasty medicine

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Simplicity itself. Load an insulin syringe with the dose. Grill or BBQ up a couple of hot dogs. Inject the medicine in small amounts down the length of the hot dog. Hint. They add chemicals to hot dogs that are activated when cooked to make them smell and taste better. You know, hide the odor of rancid guts, rotting eyeballs and so on. Not boiling them helps retain all those wonderful Dow/Dupont/Monsanto/etc chems.
Scarf scarf, yum yum, sayeth both dawg and kat.


Old Timer
Aug 14, 2005
Why put the animal through the nasty taste when you can let apply it to the skin and allow it to be absorbed?



Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Why put the animal through the nasty taste when you can let apply it to the skin and allow it to be absorbed?

Pour-on ivermectin is different from the injectable. Injectable invermectin will work through that delivery or through oral administration, but dosages required for it to work when applied to the skin would be too high to be practical when used on a small animal. A cat or dog will just wind up licking itself and swallowing most of it anyway before it can be absorbed, so it's still going to get that nasty taste, run around slobbering and frothing at the mouth like it has rabies, rolling in the dirt to remove what's left. It works perfectly well to inject the stuff into a hot dog like Snark said; the animal thinks it's getting some special treat and has no idea that you're giving it nasty medicine.



Old Timer
Aug 14, 2005
Thank you for the explanation PBL! I have used the inject-able product for some time now on our dogs. you can also apply it to the nape of the neck like other spot products and it seems to be as effective. I have also used it to clean up leg mites on birds
(Knemidokoptes mutans) and it works wonders nuking that nasty invert too.



Old Timer
May 1, 2004
Thank you for the explanation PBL! I have used the inject-able product for some time now on our dogs. you can also apply it to the nape of the neck like other spot products and it seems to be as effective. I have also used it to clean up leg mites on birds
(Knemidokoptes mutans) and it works wonders nuking that nasty invert too.

That delivery is fine for killing some external parasites, but not for killing intestinal worms, and especially not to prevent heartworms. It must be either given orally or injected for that. Oral admin at the right dosage will also take care of mites-quite a useful drug, just really, really NASTY-tasting, and I speak from experience! I have, on more than one occasion, spilled a couple of drops of the stuff and my fingers and forgot to wash it off before handling food, and it is NOT a taste you will soon forget! It's like cod liver oil-tends to stick around for awhile.
