Ts don't eat on schedules.....after molting, a t will be at it's thinnest, at this time it's food needs will be greatest, as it plumps, it will need less and less food....when fat, it's needs will basically be zero.
First off all hail and welcome to the geniculata fan club
Your girl is very pretty, unfortunately you can not tell age with t's they aren't like us n they go by moult cycles not birthdays those are a ppl thing .
10cm is a great size for a beginner, not so big it's intimidating but not so small you worry . You have made a great choice .
3cm food size should be fine with genic they are beasts with food . Try offering food once a week till she refuses and hits premoult if she doesn't take the food within 12 hours take it out and try again next week if she refused again wait for the moult.
You don't have to be exact with this weekly timing though. After a while you will get to know your t better and be able to tell when they are looking for food vs just chilling.
Once your t's abdomen is about the size of the carapace offer less food, as mentioned above geniculata are gluttonous and will eat till very very fat but like with most creatures fat isn't good and not only puts pressure on the insides but can cause external injury from dragging the abdomen, but if you just watch the abdomen size you should be fine
Regardless of what your feeding schedule ends up being keep that water dish full with nice clean water, when your t dumps sub ect in there (n they will) don't just give up on the water dish, keep it clean n tidy. Your t will appreciate it especially in premoult, both my geniculata drink alot at that time so its well worth doing .
I think I covered everything, if I forgot anything or you have more questions just ask gl to you both .
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