How often do you hold your Ts?


Nov 27, 2009
I was just wondering how often do you all hold your handleable Ts? I find myself with a T in my hand most of the time now. Is my fiance right? Do I have a problem?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Staff member
Jul 27, 2009
If you mean like every day for obscene amounts of time, then maybe.
Can't be good for the spider to be handled that long and often, I'd imagine.

I handle mine like maybe every 2 weeks or so, when I do a thorough bolus/poop/other gross stuff cleaning in my cages. And that's only if they are being unruly or are in the way.
That said, I do enjoy being able to handle them, and sometimes use the opportunity to give them a once over or take pictures.


Nov 27, 2009
I had always kinda assumed that as cold blooded creatures, they might enjoy the warmth of my hand. I've never had hairs kicked on me, so I don't think I'm stressing them out. But maybe I'll try to cut back.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2009
Hardly ever anymore. I don't really see the need to unless it's to try and get a really good photo but then it's straight back into the enclosure.


Old Timer
Aug 1, 2009
I dont really hold mine that much now days.. But I honestly dont understand how everyone says that holding them stresses them out.. Back when I held my T's on a regular basis their mood never seemed to change.. I could hold them then place them back in their enclosure and they would eat right after I placed them in there..

I dont think you have a problem just because you have one in your hand most of the time..


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2009
The way I see it .. If I was "chilling out" or sleeping I certainly wouldn't want a "giant being" suddenly picking me up and making me walk back and forth and keeping me from my bed or resting place if I was trying to get back to my "chilling zone"....

If I am doing cage maintenance and a T decides to climb out on theri own then that's fine but otherwise I leave them be.....


Nov 27, 2009
Well, I don't harass or provoke. I just let them sit there in my hand. But I can certainly see it from your point of view as well, WelshTan.


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2009
Never, I don't enjoy having itchy palms. ;)


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
Confidence and knowledge

I handle all of my T's from my H. lividum to my P. metallica. I also handle my P. ultramarinus and Xenesthis sp white. The only T I don't handle all that much is my B. boehmei because she likes to kick quite a bit. I usually try to handle them at least once a week. I find handling on a regular basis promotes more reliable reactions to the hand. So the answer to your thread in my opinion would be that your handling would be a good thing as long as it isn't overdone. Over doing the handling would be every day 7 days a week. A couple of times a week would be ok. I think you'll find that you will begin to really know the reaction of your T's the more you handle them. This also helps when you go to show other people and educate them. It doesn't look to good if your flinching and acting nervous. It says more if your confident when handling a T to people who don't know any better and are wanting to see the T. And in my opinion if your not handling them on a regular basis your confidence is compromised and this would more likely lead to a bite.


Old Timer
Jan 11, 2009
I'll hold my Avic slings if I am already doing something with their enclosure.
I held my G. rosea a few times in the past, but since her molt she's got attitude problems lol


Nov 27, 2009
Singapore_Blue1: I've got an H. Lividum, and I don't believe I would ever handle it. I attempted to do a ventral sexing but it just shrugged away my fingers, ran up the transport cup, and proceeded to threaten us. I'de love it if they were handleable, but I think you are begging for a bite. Either that or you have the worlds most docile cobalt.


Old Timer
May 20, 2009
I had always kinda assumed that as cold blooded creatures, they might enjoy the warmth of my hand. I've never had hairs kicked on me, so I don't think I'm stressing them out. But maybe I'll try to cut back.
I have a GBB sling that is very skittish, reclusive and makes himself small in a little corner of his cup. Last week I was holding the cup steady with my left hand as I removed a bolus with tweezers in my right hand - the sling freaked, ran up onto my left hand, and came to a complete stop. I was able to look at him up close, grab my camera and take pictures, the whole shot. And he didn't budge - I finally had to coax him back into the cup. I concluded, as Arborius does, that the GBB somehow found security in the sudden warmth provided by my hand. :)

Taking this a step farther, it is unlikely that a T would willingly put itself in a stressful situation, so if the T climbs onto us by its own volition, that could be the answer to the whole "to handle or not to handle" question. :clap:


Old Timer
May 25, 2009
When Sweetie hardens up I will determine how amiable she is to being held, and then probably say hi to her now and then. She's the only spider I have that has voluntarily crawled on my hand and just sat there. Probably for the warmth, I know, but still... It was a special moment.


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2005
Docile T's

Yes my H. lividum is very docile. I have many pics of me handling her. I don't think I have the most docile cobalt blue out there but she is accustomed to me handling her. Never had a threat pose! You could say I am begging for a bite but 15 years of no bites says otherwise :D I actually attribute the fact that I have no bites to the fact that I handle my T's. If you read a lot of these people that report bites they tend to have one thing in common. They don't handle there T's. A lot (not all) of the reports I have read they were changing water or doing some type of work in the T's enclosure and they get tagged. My opinion is the lack of interaction causes the T to be defensive of its territory. If the T is accustomed to being handled it won't see you in its enclosure as a threat. By the way I've handled all my T's from slings which I think def makes a difference.

Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
Great topic for those of us who do handle!!! Although to the OP, I would cut back your sessions to once or twice in a week at most.

For being a big advocate of the practice of handling, I hold my T's relatively sparsely. Somtimes it's more often, but I handle 2 or 3 of my specimens about once every couple of weeks or so on average. I would like to hold at least one of my T's in a week, but with roommates (that make sudden noises), kids, and a life outside of the hobby, I don't get as much spider-time as I would like. There are the in-between days, when it's a quick 2-second jaunt for a pic, or just because I need to have some time with a particular one that I feel I've been neglecting (even though they don't give two hells, LOL).

Sometimes people will come over and want to see the T's, or some spider-wary individual needs an educational presentation. For presentations, I have about 4 or 5 specimens that I can take out any day of the week without any troubles at all. Depending on which T someone asks me to show them, I will either take it out, wrangle it into the open (if I'm not comfortable with holding it), or laugh in the person's face if the request involves my S. cal.

Once I move and ditch the roommate-living lifestyle, I will definately handle a litle bit more often.


Old Timer
Oct 12, 2007
I was never a big handler. People see me handle my Ts a lot, though, because I do take them out of their enclosures to show people. I have 4 spiders that I consider the "tarantula ambassadors" because they are so unbelievably docile. I also regularly pin or cup Ts so that I may sex them.

Recreationally, though, I don't hold them all that much, really just on the rare occasion that I'm restless and feel like taking photos. Over the last couple of days, I have handled a T. blondi and a sick A. avicularia. I generally only handle tarantulas that I am packing when I am by myself.

Urticating hairs have really started to bother me within the last couple of weeks.


Old Timer
Sep 20, 2009
I'll hold my T's during rehousing or to take photos, but that's about it. There is no need to handle and I honestly don't get a lot of enjoyment out of handling them. Getting a potent, defensive T to calm down enough to the point that you can handle it is a thrill, but after the first time it gets old pretty fast.

I totally don't buy the handling = less likely to bite scenario. T's, in many cases, are defensive around their territory and much less likely to bite when not in their territory. I don't think they ever get to the point that they "learn" to differentiate your hand from another threat. I think bites are extremely rare and happen when someone's not paying attention.