My A.Seemanni flipped around 10am, she is ~5" this is my first molt with a sub adult T so I am not sure of how long it should take.
All my other Ts are slings to juvies and they all molt fairly quickly.
This T hasnt moved at all since 10am I see a little wrinkling on the abdomen but that is all.
Many Thanks for any insight.
P.S. I tried the search thing but I get a ton of threads that have the word molt or long in them nothing really relavant.
All my other Ts are slings to juvies and they all molt fairly quickly.
This T hasnt moved at all since 10am I see a little wrinkling on the abdomen but that is all.
Many Thanks for any insight.
P.S. I tried the search thing but I get a ton of threads that have the word molt or long in them nothing really relavant.