Probably about a year. Keep them warm. Keep them well fed and hydrated. And at all costs RESIST THE URGE TO FEED THEM OFF. 1 of your females now will pyramid into hundreds within a year, is it worth losing that over 1 feeding?
I doubt it would take that long. Adult females can have babies every 8 or 9 weeks. Nymphs can reach adult size in 4 months, so in one year you have 2 going on 3 generations. Assuming you dont feed any off, temps are in the low to mid 80'sF, and there is a constant supply of food and moisture, and you average about 40 percent of the nymphs being female, you could wind up with 700 to 2000 roaches total in 365 days. Given most keeper neglect thier roaches to a degree, I would figure around 500 or 600.
Fun Math: 100 nymphs. Say 40 are female on average. Within 6 months they mature and have babies, 20-30 each (lets say 20) makes 800 nymphs. Within 6 months they have grown and again only 40% are female- 360 females (NOT including the nymphs made every 2 months by the original females) and they have offspring. 360x 20 is 7200, plus the 2400 the originals could have conceivably had makes for 9600 roaches. Now if we factor in a degree of neglect, temps too low, lack of food, etc., and they make 75% less or so, 100 roaches could easily hit 2000 within a year.
Most roaches will multiply from a factor of ten to a factor of 100 in a years time. Example: I had 3 Deropeltis paulinoi to start with, and a year later I had over 300. I also had 10 Eurycotis decipiens to start with, and a year later I had around 150. My first Lucihormetica subcincta I had 8 to start with, and a year later this notoriously slow growing roach had still produced a colony of around 80. Finally, I started with about 50 lobster roaches, and a year later I had several thousand.... the most prolific roach I have ever had.
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