mine is going on about six months now, last thing she ate was a pinkie and wont touch food since. I was just wondering how much longer she can go w/o eating?
mine is about a month and a half to two months and counting. They seems to eat a lot and then nothing. That is another thing about rosies, they have messed up eating habits. for more info see the sticky.
Mine went for about a month without eating.
Yesterday she ate one small cricket.
She is VERY pre-molt, and has a bad attitude right now
I think she ate the cricket because it bothered her, not because she was hungry:?
Well, our rosie went for right about a year and a half without eating. I figure she never ate since I kept removing the same amount of crix I gave her. She molted a couple of months ago and it was the first time since I have had her. I have had her for about 2.5 years now. Anyway she is really dark now and has a purple tint to her carapace. Before she was a dirty brownish tan color. Hmmm. She eats very well now.
Mine went for about a year without eating and then got her appetite back. She's been eating well ever since. I wouldn't worry about it. This species often pulls a "fast" one on you. Oh man, I can't believe I just typed that. Oh man, I can't believe I'm about to click on 'Submit Reply'....
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