th pet store in town gets a whole lot of iguanas come through, and they're pretty reasonably priced at 40 bucks. all the little guys they have in stock right now are called for, and they told me they'd have to order more from the breeder if i wanted some. i was thinking of getting a boy and a girl if i could. i figured if these guys are big enough to sex, and they are coming directly from a breeder it shouldn't be too big a deal to request a male and female of different bloodlines.
head/body length on the ones in stock are around 7-9 inches, maybe close to a foot and a half nose to tip of the tail. can a breeder who nows what he's doing accurately sex a green iguana of this size?
head/body length on the ones in stock are around 7-9 inches, maybe close to a foot and a half nose to tip of the tail. can a breeder who nows what he's doing accurately sex a green iguana of this size?