How effective is heat tape for roach colonies


Old Timer
Aug 10, 2008
I've been using a ceramic heat emitter for my current Dubia colony, but I'm getting two more roach species and don't want to shell out $50 for two more ceramic heaters. I would definitely prefer Flexwatt, but my experience with heat pads and plastic containers (I use all dark Rubbermaid enclosures) is that it does not seem to raise the interior temperature much at all. Is there a method you use to trap the heat or use it more efficiently? I've thought about putting the tape inside the enclosure with a piece of glass on top of it and the eggcrates on the glass. Has anyone does something like that? I'm using 27 gallon Rubbermaids and ambient temperature is around 72. Your input is much appreciated.
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Matt K

Old Timer
Mar 27, 2007
Hmmm. Thinking out load here:

I have dozens of roach species and do not use any heat device on any of the tubs/enclosures at all. Temps range 70-78 most of the time....and I regularly have to get rid of excess.

That being said though, I did use Flexwatt at one point on some of the tubs. The heat transfer works better with different types of plastic (i.e. Sterlite tub instead of Rubbermaid) and if there is moisture in the substrate in the tub to carry the heat helps too.

Maybe you could run some narrow Flexwatt inside the tub ??

Maybe you have to bite the bullet and get two more heat emitters.
