I think you've answered your own question. Yes they will fight over females/territory or whatever they decide to fight over. Don't remove the extra males, it is normal. I love watching roaches interact with each other, they are very interesting. Actually, one of my favorite species to watch are lobster roaches. The males display and fight ALL the time. You will occasionally see a group of females together in a depression in the egg crate and a single male guarding over them, attacking any other males that wander too close. ;PMalhavoc's said:Question. Do males fight? Mine have been combating pretty hard lately.. shaking their abdomens around and raming and chasing each other around.. by morning they've ripped everything up.. should I remove the extra male or what?
Wade........in what department do you find "Watersaver" at Home Depot? Did a search on their website but did not get a hit.Wade said:No, you shouldn't need to worry about substrate or humidity. They won't reproduce much if kept at that temp year around, but they do pretty good if they're in the 80's at least part of the year.
You can offer a shallow water dish, but it's a good idea to have rocks, cotton or papertoweling in the dish to prevent drowning. I've been using the water gel stuff, sold under various brand names. The stuff sold as "cricket water" at pet stores works but is too expensive IMO. You can buy simmilar products in dry form at Home Depot or Lowes. The brand at Home Depot is called "water saver" and it comes in a jar of white-ish crystals. 3 tablespoons disolved in a gallon of water makes a gallon of "gel". It can be offered in a dish without fear of drowning.