How do you tell if eggs are fertile?


Jan 14, 2010
Our rose-haired tarantula has been on her egg sac for about a month now. We just took it from her to set up Rob C's incubator but when we opened the sac the eggs were just fluid filled with a little white in them. No baby spider parts. I thought after a month, we would be able to see little bits of baby spiders. We've only had her for a few months. She came from a reputable reptile shop, and has not molted since we've had her, so there is a chance the eggs could be fertile.

Is it possible for anyone to tell me how to tell if these eggs are fertile? It will be disappointing to incubate infertile eggs.


Old Timer
Feb 20, 2009
Can you post a picture of the eggs? That would be very helpful as it's hard to tell otherwise. The eggs may be taking longer to develop if the temps are lower also.


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2009
Do you know if she was paired, or had a chance at mating before you bought her? If she has been gaurding the sac the past month I would think they are still good eggs. They do sometimes lay infertile egg sacs. I had a rosea make one for what ever reason, and she cast it out in a week.
So if she was gaurding them, that is a good sign.
I agree that maybe they just need more time. Rosea are slow growers, so I would imagine the eggs would take a little longer to develope.
It may be a good thing that you pulled it when you did, from what I gather roseis are rather troublesome. She might have ended up eating it.
Good luck with your sac.