What is the best way to house kukulcania hibernalis? Just wondering. I know they often are found in cracks and holes in walls of homes. Just looking for ideas.
What is the best way to house kukulcania hibernalis? Just wondering. I know they often are found in cracks and holes in walls of homes. Just looking for ideas.
ok here's how i do it...i use a big gallon size mason jar (like the kind pickles come in) and i stick in about an inch of moist coco fiber just for moisture...then i stick an oblong piece of floral foam in there about 3" long x 4" wide x 7" tall into which i poke 4 or 5 holes with my pinkie finger...then i stick the spider in there and watch the fun ...there's usually a nice little web inside one of the holes by the time i wake up in the morning...
i'm sure there's other more asthetically pleasing ways to do it but i like the floral foam because crickets can climb it easily and it doesn't mold hehe
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