As careful as I am when cleaning my Gecko tank, one finally got away from me. I have had the wonderful animal for almost two years.
For the first time in two years I was careless when cleaning their tank. I removed some of their decorations before carefully examing them to see it they had any stowaways. When I saw her run up the wall I wanted to cry. I have not seen her since and it has been a week. I am sure I will never see her again.
If anyone has any ideas of a trap I could try I would love to hear about it. Trouble is I live in a duplex and there are thousands of places for it to squeeze through and end up out of my apartment.
Thanks for listening,
For the first time in two years I was careless when cleaning their tank. I removed some of their decorations before carefully examing them to see it they had any stowaways. When I saw her run up the wall I wanted to cry. I have not seen her since and it has been a week. I am sure I will never see her again.
If anyone has any ideas of a trap I could try I would love to hear about it. Trouble is I live in a duplex and there are thousands of places for it to squeeze through and end up out of my apartment.
Thanks for listening,