I've had a Tliltocatl albopilosus for 2 1/2 years. It molted the first week I had it, and hasn't molted since. So safe to assume it's fully grown I'm guessing? He used to grab the crickets as soon as I placed them in there, which I loved because I knew he was eating. But for several months now, at least 4-5, he hasn't. Even backed away from them if they went towards him. Would a horn worm be a good idea for a change of diet? If so, should I kill the worm first? I don't know if they can cause harm to the tarantula. I feel bad I've never changed his diet up before. It's always been one cricket a week. The cricket is almost always dead by the end of the week, but without seeing my t eat the cricket, I can't be sure if he's eaten at all.
On a side note, I say "he" but don't know the sex. Is 2 1/2 years without a molt a good indicator of what sex it could be? I know females live vastly longer than males, so would that length of time suggest mine is a female?
On a side note, I say "he" but don't know the sex. Is 2 1/2 years without a molt a good indicator of what sex it could be? I know females live vastly longer than males, so would that length of time suggest mine is a female?