Thanks! Hehe I'm glad I get to do it all year round.Nice pix:clap:
Can't wait for summer so can try my hands on some macro photography.
Thanks.Feeding that nice katydid to a spider, oh man
Very good pics, what camera do you use?
It's just the 18-55mm kit lens, fitted with a macro filter. I don't have an external flash, so it's simply the inbuilt flash, with a diffuser of course.what lens are you usng? also, what are you using as you flash?
Your local camera store should have them for sale.hmmm....where do you get one of these macro filters?
Nope, no extension tube, and it's +10; the maker is Hoya.are you using and extension tube as well? and what diopter macro lens filter are you using....+1,+2,+3,+4 or the +10? sorry for all the question man, but i really admire your photos and im trying to become better.