Hitchhiking spider...


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2005
A guy came in to work today to have me id this spider that he found on his bananas. She laid an egg sac a couple days ago, so her abdomen is a bit deflated, but I think it is some sort of Phoneutria sp. I'll get pictures posted tonight after work as I dont have a way to do that here, but are there any other spiders that commonly hitch a ride on bananas? Are all Phoneutria spiders as venomous as the wandering spider? The guy wants to keep it as a classroom pet if it doesn't pose a threat to his students, but if it is as venomous as the wandering spider, he would rather I keep it. She is guarding her egg sac with her life, but as she is in a little plastic container I'm wondering if her eggs are even still viable since I'm sure the humidity isn't what she is used to.

Any suggestions of what kind of spider she could be if she isn't a Phoneutria sp? What kind of tank I should set up for her when I get her home tonight and should I feed her of leave her alone?

I'll post pics after 6pm tonight.
