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Heterothele gabonensis


Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008

Beginning sometime around mid-October 2011, I started pairing my female with both of my mature males. I rotated each male in and out with her a number of times over the course of almost two months. On 12/4/11, I discovered an eggsac. The eggsac was pulled on 12/30/11 and were only eggs at this point. The eggs were placed in an incubator and by 1/4/12, a few finally started emerging to the EWL stage. Unfortunately, these were the only ones that made it the rest of the way. I'm not sure why, but the rest of the sac was full of infertile eggs. 1st instar was reached on 1/16/12 and 2nd instar on 2/8/12. The temps were kept between 65-75 degrees and the humidity was kept near 100% for the entire incubation process. The final count for the sac: 5

One of the many pairings:


Size comparison:


1st instars:

2nd instars:


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2009
Heterothele gabonensis ( Success At Last )

I had two females that were bred. 1st female dropped a sac and ate it a couple weeks later. 2nd female dropped sac #1 only to find dried up eggs 25 days later. 2nd female double clutched and 33 days later opened sac and found these little 1st instars.

Here they are darkening up and getting ready to molt.

And at last 23 little ones at 2nd instar



Old Timer
Jul 2, 2008
Sort of successful

My female was paired numerous times between between the months of June and July of 2013. An eggsac was dropped somewhere around 8/30/13, and was pulled on 9/21/13. When I pulled the eggsac, there was no development yet. When I checked the incubator later that day I found a few EWL's. Only 5 or so made it to that stage. 1st instar was reached on 10/1/13. 2nd instar was reached on 10/20/13. Unfortunately only 1 of those 5 made it to 2nd instar. Final count was one 2nd instar. The humidity was near 100% the whole time, and the temperatures fluctuated between 60-80 degrees.
