hesperus hermaphidyte?


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
This year I allowed the widow population to go unchecked in my yard to see what would come of it. Lately the population has decreased greatly. Several reasons I suspect ...heat (and the lack of prey because of it) is probably the #1 reason. Also, there is a nice population of large wasps enjoying a lot of exposed dirt due to construction. I'm only guessing that these wasps prey on the widows though. The other thing is poison. Our pool is empty for near future replastering and we had to throw in some misquito poison in the collected rain water in the pool. The empty pool was a haven for crickets and also widows and I noticed the widow population within and around the pool weakening almost to nil. A few of my pet spiders died after feeding them crickets from the yard ...I suspect the crickets carried the poison from walking through the now dry sediment in the pool. But... lately I noticed a couple of interesting changes with the widow population in and around the pool. First I caught some young adult females that were very light brown ...one was almost white. I got excited because I thought for a second that some browns have moved in (rare, but they have been found in the LA area). After keeping these they molted into black adults. Bummed, but still interesting nevertheless. I have seen young hesperus that were brown before, but never so light (pale) and with such beautiful sub-adult markings. Last week I ventured into the pool again to see what I could find and to my amazement I found a few adults that are the largest widows I have ever seen. A big gravid one fumbled past my attempts and hid away in the input pipe, but I cought another huge girl and a sub-adult (huge for her markings). I also spotted a couple adult males that are twice the size of any other males I have seen. These were also out of reach because they positioned themselves for quick escape within the water input pipes, but I hope to catch one ...and maybe the big female I missed ..tonight.
Ok... so heres the weird one...
Dark and marked like a female and larger than a male. Female abdomen and other features of a female ...but check out the palps on this freak!

Looking forward to her/his next molt to see if those palps remain!