Henschoutedenia flexivitta (Giant Lobster Roaches)


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2010
Anyone else keeping these?
I've got a small starter colony about a month ago (I ordered 25 adults and subadults but the seller sent me a bit more than that)
Was looking for some feeder roaches that are larger than red runners or lobsters and smaller than dubia. They didn't disappoint, their size is perfect for what I needed and they seem very prolific, I have a lot of tiny nymphs already. I also think they are quite pretty.

Why aren't these more popular feeders? They are fast and can climb plastic and glass (just like the regular lobsters) but they only do it when they are trying to flee, a barrier of vaseline seems to do the trick to keep them contained.

Steven Rexrode

Feb 12, 2021
Anyone else keeping these?
I've got a small starter colony about a month ago (I ordered 25 adults and subadults but the seller sent me a bit more than that)
Was looking for some feeder roaches that are larger than red runners or lobsters and smaller than dubia. They didn't disappoint, their size is perfect for what I needed and they seem very prolific, I have a lot of tiny nymphs already. I also think they are quite pretty.
View attachment 357130

Why aren't these more popular feeders? They are fast and can climb plastic and glass (just like the regular lobsters) but they only do it when they are trying to flee, a barrier of vaseline seems to do the trick to keep them contained.
I'm curious where you found these and if they were reasonably priced. I've been trying to find them and only found a few places, some of which are expensive.



Aug 16, 2020
I use these and think they are an awesome feeder, I don't know why they aren't more popular either. Cheaper than dubias, get a bit larger, breed at room temperature, and don't smell as god awful as crickets tend to. Hardier as well. I got my starter colony off Ebay actually, it was like 200 roaches for $35 or something like that, really good deal. Everyone can laugh about buying live critters off Ebay, but I have actually had some pretty good luck there (some bummer luck as well lol make sure to do your research of course, like any other live purchase)


Old Timer
Oct 3, 2010
I'm curious where you found these and if they were reasonably priced. I've been trying to find them and only found a few places, some of which are expensive.

I'm in Europe I paid 8€ for 25 adults/sub-adults (got maybe ~40) I got them <edit> from Germany. Another breeder, <edit> from Belgium, had them listed at 8€/50

From the US I see Kyle Kandilian (roachcrossing.com) has them <edit>, maybe you can find someone on roachforum selling them for cheaper, anyone who keeps them probably has a surplus. The fact that they can climb smooth surfaces is a deal breaker for many.

They have a rather strong defensive smell and they poop when grabbed but they're extremely prolific given their size and are very hardy, I've never seen any dead ones in my colony.
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Old Timer
Jan 3, 2005
Are they much bigger than lobsters? I really like lobsters as feeders and have used them for 15+ years, but a bigger version would be better