i have to different set ups for the two.
is it ok to put a heat rock in both tanks?
or should i just stick with the heating mat? if so then what watt would be best?
First off I wanna say welcome to the hobby/addiction..
Also there is no need for any kind of heat source for the T.. The temps you say the inside of the house stays is just fine for that critter.. Oh and the name was changed from Grammostola aureostriata.. So now its Grammostola pulchripes..
I know there is a scorpion area.. Which is where you should have asked this question but I will give my answer here..
As for the scorpion.. There is no need for the heat rock there either.. A red heat light should do just right for that one..
First off, there's a world of diffrerence between an Asian forest scorp, and a South American scrubland tarantula.
Inverts rely on ambient temperatures to regulate their body temps. Although P. imperator requires more heat (as well as a false-bottom to keep humidity up), a room temp of 75 to 80 degrees is perfect for both species to thrive. Heat rocks, heat lamps, or any other direct, radiating heat source should be avoided with the exception of the undertank heater, should you ever need supplemental heat. Provided that you have enough substrate in your enclosure, you would place this heating mat under the corner of the enclosure that is furthest away from the hide. Use this in combination with a thermostatic regulator. 4 watts should be sufficent for a 5 gallon setup.
Finally, G. pulchripes (formerly G. aureostriata) had a name change, I believe, in April of 2009. This species is one you keep DRY!!!!! Lots of substrate, a hide and a waterdish. That's it!!! G. pulchripes is a very hardy and well tempered species to keep......it's no wonder I love my girl to death!!! Enjoy!!!!
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