look i had a black widow that had babies right? well abouyt 10 min ago i walked in my to fin the babies droping out . what can i doto get rid of the one i didnt kill. i have a family here so help quik ;i have a mom dad and a sis here hlppppp!!!!!!!
When you stop panicking, you'll find yourself screaming far less.
I've had that happen before.
Most widows will not do well in the home. There usually is not enough food for the slings to eat. They will most likely never make their next molt or two.
Usually the first sling to leave the brood, will also leave a single line of web and the rest will follow it. Look for it. Get some windex or something and go on a killing spree. You might be able to save a few if you wish.
You will probably come across a sling every now and then for the next week or two.
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