Tarantulas are not eating immediatly when they born, but heum lil baby's would eat small cricket or fruit flies, but about the other type of baby spider I dont know, I tought it could help
If you got the spiderlings from the yard, then maybe you could search the yard for a few small creatures, to see if they take some: crickets, pillbugs or sowbugs, beetles, moths, worms or caterpillars (tiny ones). At this time of year, there should be a smorgasbord of right-sized insects or other critters out there! (Of course, this is assuming your yard isn't sprayed with insecticides or pesticides of any type.)
Crickets can be purchased at some pet shops. Hit the yellow pages and call a few. Even if you can get crickets, getting pinhead crickets is even harder. They are tiny and my local shops that sell crickets either don't ever offer pinheads or only have them on occasion.
A spider the size of your pinkie nail sounds like more than a spiderling to me. Is it an orb web weaver? Did you find it on the ground? Can't you tell us anything more about it?
Anything moving and small enough found in your backyard is probably good for your spiderlings. No need to go to a store. Anyway, beetles are often too hard-shelled and many beetles and bugs are predators themselves and will easily kill soft spiderlings. And don´t give them ants (unless the spiders are comb footed ones). Especially if they are jumping spiders they will probaly not eat pre-killed insects, but if you just kill them just a "little" they will still move and be easier to catch for the spider. Give them some water as well. Many spiders which refuse to eat will often drink, and I have sometimes managed to give first aid to spiders by giving them a mashed fly mixed into a small droplet of water.
you guys in the UK don't have jumping spiders?! there are little one's all over where i live! i might be able to try and send a few if any one is really THAT interested (they're kind of a nusance around here). if u PM me i'll tell u if i find one.
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