Help with veiled chameleon


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2007
I'm looking after a friends Chameleon while he is on holiday and things aren't going too well. He has been moved along with his setup to my house and temps and humidity are the same as he is used to. At first I thought it was just the stress of moving him that upset his appitite, but then I thought putting him next to my parrot was probably not a good idea so the parrot has moved out of that room. He ate one locust on the night the parrot moved. So far I have had him 5 days, he sits on the same branch all day, his tale is tightly spiraled, not around the branch. He never opens his mouth. The locust I put in his viv tonight jumped onto him and he flared up in large black spots, so that has been removed. He doesn't focus on the locust (his normal diet) if I hold it in front of him, he just stares at me. He has so far only eaten one locust. The crest on his head is always raised (I don't know if that is normal, never noticed before). I've got him for another two weeks, is there behavioural signs that may show he is relaxing???
All coments greatly appreciated.



Old Timer
Mar 13, 2007
Here are some steps to take:
1. Most importantly make sure he is hidrated! Mist him at least twice a day.
2. Try feeding him new food items such as super, wax or tomato worms.
3. Make sure he has enough calcium in his diet, and be sure to gut load your feeders with it as well as bee polen if possible.
There are a number of other things that could be a problem, but those are the main three that I could think of. For more info on chams checkout these sites:
Hope this helps ~ Rex

Mushroom Spore

Old Timer
Oct 14, 2005
but then I thought putting him next to my parrot was probably not a good idea
Yes, this was a terrible idea. As well, you should make sure that the chameleon is not placed near any mirrors (they don't do well in glass tanks because seeing "other lizards" upsets them) and is AWAY from any high-traffic areas.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
The stress of being relocated is probably his biggest issue right now... and the once neighboring parrot. Now, that he is in a quiter position with less neighbors, he should settle down some and start eating.

I would offer him a variety of foods, though. Locusts, various "meaty" worms and not so much wax or other "fatty" worms. Misting is a great idea, but putting a dripper or mister in his viv is an excellent solution for keeping him hydrated. They prefer moving water.

His "veil" should be upright at all times, so that is normal. He will show various color changes to you, as you are new to him and he's in a new environment. He may even hiss and really puff up at you. My guy still does this, as well as, gapes really big at me... which is fortunate cuz it makes for very easy medication administration {D (my Exotic Vet has him on long term liquid calcium for his severe MBD that his previous caregivers caused him :mad: )

As already mentioned, gutload and dust all of his bugs before feeding them to him. You can even rig up a food dish on the side of his viv or on a branch of his plants to hold non "crawling/hopping" bugs. I use one for Hippy's Phoenix worms and his Hibiscus flowers and various veggies. (We're still figuring out which veggies he likes, but he really likes red Hibiscus blooms a LOT)

Good luck with your guy while you have him! :D


Old Timer
Jul 1, 2007
Thanks to everyone for their help. He is doing O.K now. The stress of the move was definately the biggest issue, plus a big green parrot, though the parrot (Eclectus) is seldom in his cage. That and me frantically waving food in his face every half hour. My scorps may not eat for a while when new, but that doesn't bother me, it's what they do. I don't know how long a lizard would last though. He was being misted twice a day, has a water dripper, his food is dusted with calcium and vits and his setup has a day / night thermostat so that was all good. His tail has relaxed now and he is wandering about sometimes. He is back to three large locust a day which is his usual. All roaming animals are now banned from the room and food is placed in his set-up, he is then left in peace and food removed later if not eaten (and fed to scorps, toads or turtles:D ) And yes, he has started to hiss at me when I mist his setup.
Again, thanks to everyone.


Old Timer
Jul 31, 2006
All very good to hear!! :D It sounds like he is settling down and doing well. I hope he doesn't have to make another move any time too soon.