My little brothers Kenyan Sand Boa has been what it Looks to be shedding but it hasn't made any progress in 2 weeks. I just want any tips or anything I should know you can see where the skin is peeled back on the face area its been like that for 2 weeks Thanks.
Try soaking the snake in luke warm water for at least an hour , but don't go any warmer it will be too warm remember if it feels rather warm to you and you are about 98 degrees it's too warm . You can also put a smooth rock in the water with him to give him something to rub on to help shed . Do not try to peel the shed off while he's dry it could cause damage . If he still has problems shedding you can carefully and slowly assist him while he's wet arter a good soak . LPS carries a product called shed aid if they carry reptiles . Hope that helps
I have also had the occasional bad shed with a snake. They're usually a result of inadequate humidity. Soaking in shallow water will work. What I've also had to do is house them in a rack in a very humid tub for a day or two along with some rough decor they can brush up against and help remove the old shed. You should only try this if you have very good control of the temperatures in their enclosure. Being an arid species, if you house them wet AND cold for a stretch you are only asking for a respiratory infection. Keep them warm, I provide them belly heat at 90, the other end of the tub on a closed-sided xpvc rack will be 80 which is a good gradient until they shed, keep them warm.
It's ok to lend a hand too to remove the shed, though I prefer to do it gently and not all at once, I will do it for a minute or so then place him back and come back at the end of the day or the day after.
Just an observation. At the snake farm nearly all the animals have some kind of pond or lake in the enclosures. Large luxury enclosures of course. When the snakes start shedding they often go for soaks in the water for extended periods of time. Usually they very rarely do this and only poke their nose in to drink. They seem to know what to do given the chance.
The cobras. kaouthai, all have an observable routine come shedding time. Lie in the sun at the top of the tree branches for several hours then go for a swim for a few minutes. Usually twice or sometimes three times a day. The rat snakes may do that cycle 5 or 6 times a day.
This varies with different makes and models of snakes. The pythons don't care and aren't into swimming (but when blind can be VERY into nipping). The O. Hannah just grind the shed off on rocks and concrete and don't vary their swimming schedule. The vipers seem to shed like they are hatching. One hours effort and done. Very non-aquatic as a rule.
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