Help with momma regal jumper


Jun 13, 2022
Hi all,
I got the surprise of my life when I found my regal jumping spider I've jad for several months, always alone, had a nest full of babies. Unfortunately this was discovered after I had accidentally knocked half the nest down (clearing what I thought was unrelated webbing from vent holes) and then I later thought since I had ruined her home and she gave up trying to fix it I would just take it out and she would make another...I had no idea there were babies, I actually thought she must have molted in there. Live and learn alright.
I'm now worried that since the nest is rather flat now the babies may suffocate. Am I being ridiculous? They move a little if I disturb them but I wouldn't say a ton. I think my best guess is they have been in there maybe 3 weeks. I don't know how long since hatch it could be longer.
I put the nest as high as I could on a stick she sits higher where they used to be. I have the house in butterfly netting so babies can't get out. I am prepared to seperate them when needed but jist waiting for them to leave the nest. Any advice is appreciated. I keep trying to fluff the nest a little but really can't.
I also was under the impression she will die after they emerge, is this not the case? I read on these boards about them raising multiple clutches.
Thanks all


Active Member
Jun 8, 2022
CONGRATULATIONS! I hope all goes well.

Hopefully, someone with experience with this situation will have information for you.

Nicole C G

Jun 23, 2021
All the questions that are similar to this seem to never get a clear answer, unfortunately. Just try your best.

And no, they don’t always die after their first clutch. Sometimes they do, but they usually don’t just die. They aren’t like black widows or velvet spiders.