Help with Herp Antibiotics...


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2002
Hey all. For those of you who don't live near a veterinarian, what antibiotics can you purchase to administer to your boas or pythons? I have a great vet, but I may be able to save money going to a feed supply store for antibiotics. Where I live I can purchase syringes no problem. Thanks in advance!
By the way, the sickness I need to currently treat is a respiratory infection in a nine foot Burmese.


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
Are you going to know how to dilute the antibiotics once you have them? Do you have a digital scale for properly measuring the dosages?


Old Timer
May 1, 2004
The best antibiotic I've found for use in respiratory infections in herps is Amakacin(sp?). It's a broad-spectrum injectable that is pretty safe and effective. It can be given subcutaneously, which is not as painful or as likely to result in absesses as intramuscular injections. Unlike Gentamycin, it does not lead to kidney damage. However, you can't purchase it without a prescription, so a vet is your only option here. Antibiotics available through feed stores are very ineffective against respiratory infections in reptiles; you will just be wasting money going that route. The vet should have some reference as to the dosage of Amakacin to give the snake, based on the snake's weight. Mine uses a book, which lists dosages and indications, to calculate how much to give. Amakacin is usually given in a series of 3-4 injections, given every other day, for respiratory problems or skin infections, since these are stubborn to clear up, especially in Burms.



Old Timer
Dec 16, 2002
Thanks. I've also been recommended Baytril. (I think that's how it's spelled...) Any luck with that?


Old Timer
Aug 16, 2002
The vet the nature center works with often prescribes Baytril for our animals. It's pretty effective, but you've got to make sure you folow through the treatment. It's also nice because it can be taken orally, and can be injected into a prey animal. You may have to get it from a vet, however. It's very expensive, though, we just purchased a bottle from the vet...$88!

We've used amakacin as well, but our vet said that the medication can hurt the kidneys if the animal is off feed or dehydrated. We generally use this if Baytril fails.

You might be able to save some money if your vet trusts you enough to perscribe a medication and figure a dosage without a visit. You have to have a pretty good relationship with your vet, however. Otherwise, I'd suggest that you bite the bullet and pay for the visit.

I assume you've already checked for husbandry issues. Temp? Humidity? I've often found herps that seemed to be getting sick would turn around once husbadry issues were corrected without vet care.



Old Timer
Dec 4, 2004
I had a resp. problem with one of my Ball Pythons once and made an appointment with my vet for the next day. But in the time till the vet visit I increased the Temp in its enclosure from 80 deg F, up to 95 deg F (measured with a digital thermometer). By the next day, its wheezing stopped. I called the Vet and he said to continue the elevated temps for a few days and it should eliminate the prob. if not, then bring it in. The elevated temps worked for my snake. So while waiting for a vet trip, maybe you should try elevating your Burms temp to 95 deg F. I'd be surprized if it hurt anything as long as your Burm has an adequate supply of cool, fresh water available. But by all means, I am NOT suggesting you ignore a Vet visit. Good luck !