Can anyone help identify this critter. I think it is a Steatoda of some type, but its got very bright red markings on its back. I photographed it in a banana plantation in Northern Israel some years ago.
I don't know but I like it. I would guess that bad things would happen to you if it bit you. Just a guess. Has a very "Latrodectus" look to it. Really like that pattern.
Yeah, I agree with Venom, pretty sure it's S. paykulliana. Supposedly it's a really good pet spider if you want the latrodectus look without the latrodectus venom.
Thanks for the speedy responses. I was thinking it was more than likely the Steatoda Paykulliana variety, although much brighter than others I've seen in other parts of the Med. Incidentally, there were dozens of these on each banana plant, hidden in the folds before the leaves. I also found a jet black variety, and a brown one with white chevrons (both looked like Steatoda sp. of some sort. Much thanks in answering a question I've been pondering for some years.
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