HEY there, i was surfing the internet when i came upon this site and thought that it would be great to post some of my quesitons on getting a pacman frog. ive been thinking about getting one for some time and did some research on them, as well as going to some pets stores to ask about them there. it was all going pretty good until the guy at the PETCO told me that "those suckers will bite your finger off when bigger" (refering to the pacman frog). i know that he was being a little sarcastic but he said that they might as well bite it off becuase it would be severly damaged anyway. this changed my whole perspective about them, and now im realy afraid to get one becuase of being bitten. ive had other frogs before such as tree frogs and fire bellys, but i wanted to try this one for a change... well so i was just wondering if any of you have some suggestions on what to do on the whole "bitting" part, if theres like any good ways to avoid it and etc because i really think they look cute i really would want to get one... oh yea and if you guys have any other helpful tips that would be great too.
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