What about feeding him some of your fingers.. ;PCooked Chiken I Would Have Never Thought Of That...thanks Im Gunna Pick Some Up Today.........
What size would you consider a young sav? I know Nick in person, so if he doesn't get to see this thread I can tell him what he should and shouldn't do. Currently his monitor is at 25" and doesn't have a UV light, but he does have a basking heat lamp.I like to feed my monitors a variety of roaches, raw ground turkey and mice.
It's best to feed young V. exanthematicus mostly on insects. Be sure to use supplements, like miner-all or repcal. Also it is especially important for young savs to have lots of UV light. If they do not get any UV they will have alot of bone problems like missing fingers and nails and more. Feed it daily if possible.
Awesome, thanks alot. I'll get that to him asap.Here is a link to the caresheet.
A 25'' Savvanah is not what I would consider very young. Hatchlings are the ones who need UV most, as it seems to be very important for all the hatchling savs I've had. Even at 25'' UV lighting would not hurt, you don't need to spend much money to get it. Many UV bulbs go for $20 or less. In my Experience savs need UV especially at a young age. If they are not provided with it they will potentially lose digits and nails and in extreme cases have major bone deformation. However after about the 10-15'' inch mark the UV light becomes much less important to the animals well being.What size would you consider a young sav? I know Nick in person, so if he doesn't get to see this thread I can tell him what he should and shouldn't do. Currently his monitor is at 25" and doesn't have a UV light, but he does have a basking heat lamp.
I looked at thier caresheet and although they claim not to use UV lighting they say they use halogen bulbs. Halogen bulbs are UV even if the box you get them in doesnt mention it.Here is a link to the caresheet.
The UV provided by you over-the-counter halogen bulb is minimal at best. Not near the amount recommended by those that swear by UV bulbs.I looked at thier caresheet and although they claim not to use UV lighting they say they use halogen bulbs. Halogen bulbs are UV even if the box you get them in doesnt mention it.