Help! L. Parahybana Cage Clean


Jan 18, 2010
Ok, so I decided it was time for my Salmon cage to be cleaned.
She thought otherwise?
I dont know if its normal or if this is just an aggressive species (Ive held her like a G. Rosea before) but she reared up and then proceeded to destroy her perfect abdomen my flicking hairs at me for a full 5 seconds. I dont know if its because I havnt held her in a while, or if she was just in a mood swing. She is in the middle of molts so there is no reason to assume it was prior/afterwards molt behaviour. I would like to know if anybody has insight on this or if she will be like this forever. this is her first cage cleaning since I got her a while ago but she used to be very sweet


Old Timer
Mar 21, 2009

Ok, so I decided it was time for my Salmon cage to be cleaned.
She thought otherwise?
I dont know if its normal or if this is just an aggressive species (Ive held her like a G. Rosea before) but she reared up and then proceeded to destroy her perfect abdomen my flicking hairs at me for a full 5 seconds. I dont know if its because I havnt held her in a while, or if she was just in a mood swing. She is in the middle of molts so there is no reason to assume it was prior/afterwards molt behaviour. I would like to know if anybody has insight on this or if she will be like this forever. this is her first cage cleaning since I got her a while ago but she used to be very sweet

were you messing with any other T's before you open her cage?


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
Ok, so I decided it was time for my Salmon cage to be cleaned.
She thought otherwise?
I dont know if its normal or if this is just an aggressive species (Ive held her like a G. Rosea before) but she reared up and then proceeded to destroy her perfect abdomen my flicking hairs at me for a full 5 seconds. I dont know if its because I havnt held her in a while, or if she was just in a mood swing. She is in the middle of molts so there is no reason to assume it was prior/afterwards molt behaviour. I would like to know if anybody has insight on this or if she will be like this forever. this is her first cage cleaning since I got her a while ago but she used to be very sweet
She will be defensive as long as she feels her enclosure is her home. wouldnt you defend yours?

Also how long has it been since her last cage cleaning? As tarantulas dont need to have their enclosures cleaned often at all. maybe once a year, if that.

so if it hasnt been that long, I would suggest leaving her be, as everytime you clean her tank she will be REALLY stressed out. Also L. parahybanas are notorious hair kickers.A lot of people are actually particularly sensitive to their hairs as well.

were you messing with any other T's before you open her cage?
Also, I see no relevance to this at all...I work with all sorts of spiders, and I never see an adverse affect because I was fooling around with one tarantula before maintaining another tarantula. They arent dogs, or snakes or anything.

To edit in- To the OP, Try getting her out of her enclosure, she will be less defensive.


Jan 18, 2010
ok that makes sense. I have had her since last january (16th, My birthday) and I had her shipped to me. the thing is she wasnt a hair kicker at all when I got her, even when relocating her. I was just wondering why such the sudden mood change but I guess the growing accostumed to her living quarters and having it taken out is good reason (If any) to kick some hairs.


Old Timer
Aug 30, 2009
Because now she's settled in and it's her home...

Prior she was picked up, packed and shipped to a foreign land (i.e. your home and enclosures) and was in sort of a shock. Once you've had her in the same enclosure awhile it becomes her territory and she'll defend it.

Most T's will act like this to some regard and if your able to deli cup her and place her outside of that "comfort" zone you'll find the tame down in most cases because they know "this isn't Kansas anymore".


Aug 27, 2010
+ 1 on defending its home. Also if a T is in premolt they get really pissy and easily agitated.


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
+ 1 on defending its home. Also if a T is in premolt they get really pissy and easily agitated.
I have to kinda disagree with this.

In my experience MOST(not all) of my Ts when in premolt become more "skittish" and less defensive. more like they will just scrunch up and stay put, that or run into their hide/burrow/web retreat.

I do have a FEW that have shown to be more defensive when in premolt. my P. murinus(but their always pissy) is one, and them my P. platyomma.

To the Op, if you really need to clean her cage, get her in a deli cup(your going to get haired, and that is part of it) and hold her in that while you clean. But honestly, I prefer to "spot clean". meaning, just pick out leftover food bits, and poop spots on the substrate/glass. I only really change substrate once a year.


Jan 18, 2010
Changed her cage with no further problems. she was kicking a little as she went back in but I wasnt near, more of an annoyed kick then deffensive, just brushing them off. Hopefully she will be happy, I gave her extra substrate (4in) and removed the heat pad because she never went near it. thanks for your help everyone


Aug 27, 2010
go ahead and stick your hand into my rosies tank she is just about ready to molt she will gnaw it off


Old Timer
Jun 28, 2004
I have to kinda disagree with this.

In my experience MOST(not all) of my Ts when in premolt become more "skittish" and less defensive. more like they will just scrunch up and stay put, that or run into their hide/burrow/web retreat.

I do have a FEW that have shown to be more defensive when in premolt. my P. murinus(but their always pissy) is one, and them my P. platyomma.

To the Op, if you really need to clean her cage, get her in a deli cup(your going to get haired, and that is part of it) and hold her in that while you clean. But honestly, I prefer to "spot clean". meaning, just pick out leftover food bits, and poop spots on the substrate/glass. I only really change substrate once a year.
I agree cody.


Old Timer
Jun 29, 2007
Today is the day she did laundry not house cleaning, you messed with her schedual!!!
