Help! Issues with a P Metallica moult. :(

Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
image.jpg image.jpg Hi all,

Unfortunately this is possibly gonna be a sad one!

During the weekend 23/24 November 2019 I was away and my P Met had moulted. When I arrived back Monday I found it a floppy mess away from it’s moult but alive. So moult has been removed to aid observations.

It’s legs are crooked and very floppy and flex excessively if the T attempts to move. Obviously being away during the moult means three things;

1) I am unaware of any issues during moult to be possible causes.

2) everyone in the household were away with me and dogs at a friends house so the moult was not interfered with or disrupted in anyway to my knowledge.

3) when during the three days away the T completed the moults and then dragged/crawled itself away from the moult.

I also notice an abrasion on the abdomen which I’m concerned about.

My question is should I just monitor the T, then when it’s suitably hardened off and I’m able to feed it give it prekilled prey to get it through this poor moult (powerfeed it) or should I consider the dreaded talked about option? I will add photos for aid of thought.

On a side note the moult came away in one piece and the damp patch is were this morning I dropped some water down onto the webbing so the T could get some fluids as it’s Mobility is limited.

Thanks in advance for any advise.

Regards Ross.


Gen. 1:24-25
Arachnosupporter +
Jul 18, 2017
You’re doing well for now. Everything you are doing is what should be done. Keep a very close eye on it. After a week or so (generally time to let the fangs harden on a younger T) do as you said and offer some pre-killed prey. If it has even limited mobility, I would also consider offering an incapacitated small prey item to determine your animal’s ability to take prey. If it won’t accept either prey offering there is a course of action involving making basically a soup for it, but don’t worry about that until the other options have been tested and failed. At the moment the primary consideration is hydration.

I am not in any way offering a false sense of hope, your situation does seem dire, but there are several posts on AB where T’s have pulled through with much more significant issues.


May 12, 2015
My question is should I just monitor the T, then when it’s suitably hardened off and I’m able to feed it give it prekilled prey to get it through this poor moult (powerfeed it) or should I consider the dreaded talked about option?
You should attempt to feed it and if it is able to eat it might survive until the next moult. "Powerfeeding" will only lead to it fasting for a long time once it is full so feed it frequently but don´t overdo it. Good luck!


Arachnosupporter +
Sep 5, 2016
Agree with everyone else.No need to euthanize if the T can move and get around.
Give it a chance,and you can rethink in a week.If you need to,then euthanize.
I would feed normally,and ensure water is avalaible.Powerfeeding???.just get the
T to eat normally,thats the hurdle.


Aug 29, 2016
WOW that looks rough. Hope the little bugger makes it to the next molt and out of that one successfully.

Just wanted to add that if the T does start to eat for you, be careful as you feed it up - with that abdominal injury, I'd be hesitant to make it super fat in a short period of time, as the exoskeleton might be weaker there and potentially prone to bursting.

Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Hi all,

Small update.

The T is moving about and climbing (a tad scary with that wound)

The wound has stopped weaping and it can move about a bit quicker but it only drags itself about and is slow. But it seems ok.

I’m thinking of trying meal worms for prey as they’re a bit softer than roaches and slower too. Would that be a good idea?

Thanks for all the support for the T and suggestions for the feeding stages. I’m keeping an eye on the wound and I’ll you all updated.


Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Small update number 2!

The T is living still and moving about quite frequently. Hasn’t eaten yet as last week I ran out of food so I’ve been dropping water in front of the T which it drank and kept the water bowl topped up. I also added an additional water bowl just in case.

I have more food on the way from the spider shop uk as well as the specific food for the prey item to increase nutrition for the Ts in my collection.

I’m starting to feel a little more optimistic now as despite his mangled appearance it’s climbing and crawling around.

I will update you when I’ve attempted a feeding.

Many thanks to everyone who’s offered support and advised me on what to do.



Jul 8, 2018
Looks like a decently plump abdomen to me. Might not need to eat much more as it is.

Anyways, hope it pulls through for ya.

Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Good evening all,

It’s with a heavy heart I must inform you all that ‘James’ The P. Metallica has passed away.

I came back from work today and he hadn’t touched the food soup I’d made him, hadn’t moved for two days and this evening he was in full death curl and when gently blew on he showed no signs of life.

I wish to thank all of you who wished him or her (never knew the sex) well and also thank you a all for your support and caring advice.

This is sadly part of the hobby and honestly despite this sad end, that tarantula was a great learning opportunity for me. I will remember and continue to love it fondly.

To be sure the T has passed on (although certainly the case) I’ve placed the body respectfully into a tub with shallow water and will freeze the remains over night.

This final action was very very difficult to do but I couldn’t force myself to be seeing this T suffer anymore and sadly today, with what signs where displayed. I felt this was the only right course of action now.

My final question for this sad update is how do we dispose of tarantula remains? Is it flushed down the toilet, thrown in the bin or buried?

Thank you all once again,



Arachnosupporter +
Sep 5, 2016
Is it flushed down the toilet, thrown in the bin or buried?
That's a huge personal decision...everyone needs to make that choice based on personal creed.
I will put the dead T in a small ziplock baggie,and put in the trash,for pickup.
Sorry your T didn't make it,but nothing you could have done.

Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
You’re doing the right thing, Sir.
Thank you. The T will be missed.

That's a huge personal decision...everyone needs to make that choice based on personal creed.
I will put the dead T in a small ziplock baggie,and put in the trash,for pickup.
Sorry your T didn't make it,but nothing you could have done.
Ok bud will do. Thank you.
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Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Evening everyone.

Just to say that this story, despite its sad ending for james the P. Metallica.
It did have a Happier for myself.

I got home today to find my parents had got me a Curly Hair as a Christmas Present, so I’ve made its enclosure this evening. I believe the species was formally Brachypelma Albopilosum now Tlitocatl Albopilosum. To which I’ve named it Steve.

Hope this cheers the morbid atmosphere in this particular thread.

I also wish to add that James was Buried in the garden and has a plant marking his location.

I finally want to wish you all a Merry Christmas (or what ever it is you are celebrating) and a prosperous new year.

Regards, Ross



Jun 27, 2019
A merry Christmas to you, too!:D

Sorry about James :(

I know you just got the curly hair, you probably already know it needs deeper sub, but I just thought I’d mention it. Bit of a falls risk with that amount of space between sub and lid!

cold blood

Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Nice does need to be's enclosure is too tall and lacking sufficient substrate depth.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Hi all,

I’ve ordered more coco fibre but it won’t arrive till after Christmas now and the shops around me that sell it are shut till the 27th.

But there is more substrate on the way for the Ts enclosure.

It also seems happy enough and mainly sticks to the floor of the enclosure but i agree it needs more in there.

Merry Christmas to all.


Nice does need to be's enclosure is too tall and lacking sufficient substrate depth.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.

I hope your family too have a great Christmas and a God’s New Year.

A merry Christmas to you, too!:D

Sorry about James :(

I know you just got the curly hair, you probably already know it needs deeper sub, but I just thought I’d mention it. Bit of a falls risk with that amount of space between sub and lid!

Hope you have a good Christmas and a good new year. Ross
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Ross Nation

Aug 5, 2019
Hi all,

final piece for this thread I promise!

Please can I get some comments on the new enclosures for my two Tarantulas for suitability?

I’ve renewed the substrate and replaced the enclosures.

I’m just finishing off a pint of milk for the lid to become a water dish for Steve’s enclosure.

Cheers Ross.

P.s I hope you all had a safe and great Christmas and new year.



Malleus Aranearum
Staff member
Mar 7, 2012
Please can I get some comments on the new enclosures for my two Tarantulas for suitability?
Either of those enclosures would be fine for a terrestrial species like Tliltocatl albopilosus.

You might consider filling in more of the area under the wooden hide, as tarantulas like cozy retreats. (Tarantulas will excavate to enlarge the retreat but won't figure out that they can move dirt into the retreat to make it smaller.)