Help identifying a bite or sting

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
If anyone has any ideas here, or suggestions where I could research this, it would be much appreciated.

The reddened patch/area is a bite or sting from culprit unknown. I felt no initial pain but noticed, within 24 hours or so, a reddened area much like what is in the photo, which itched very severely. About 48 hours after the incident my digestion went completely nuts. Peristalsis was partially arrested and replaced by severe cramping and bloating. This persisted for some 3 weeks then slowly diminished. The itch remained constant, along with weeping at the incident location.

The bite/sting as pictured is about 40 days old. The weeping is gone, but the reddened patch remains and it still itches somewhat. The local 'authorities', here in northern Thailand, are clueless as to the culprit. A scorpion in the New Mexico desert has a similar effect. We are up to our eyeballs in scorpions around here but I have difficulty believing I could have been stung without knowing it.

To add a bonus here for you Latro buffs, take note of the wart like area on my knuckle. This is a latrodectus bite, about 35 years later. The wart like growth appeared a couple of years after the bite and has spread at about 1 millimeter every 5 years. I had a top flight pathologist biopsy it once and he was rather surprised at the result. There is no cellular abnormality as would be found in a common wart. It appeared to him to be normal skin tissue that simply did not know how to grow correctly. At a guess, the latent effect of the venom has scrambled the 'growth' instructions which has been passed on from one generation of cells to the next.