Since nobody else has answered I give it a try. I'm not the right kinda guy for such questions but at this point I guess any half good answer is better than none.
Some inverts seem to do that, I've heard the same about scorpions and T's. Try offering it a wider variety of food. If you can try roaches, or house spiders (if you can be sure they're pesticide free!). How fat or skinny is it?
Try slicing a mealworm open and if it lets you, try to dab it's mouthparts (use some long pincers for example) with the goo that comes out of it, maybe it likes the taste and starts eating. Works every time with my scorps if at first they seem a bit sceptical.
Maybe its just not hungry, how long ago did you get it?
Also it is easy to over feed Solifuges to the brink of death, 1 meal a week is probably a maximum limit
I've never been able to keep the sp in w tx alive very long. I don't pick them up anymore off the road when I look for stuff. They do seem to thrive at first when I've kept them with no eating probs. But in a month or two, they behave like a toy running out of batteries and just stop moving. Did you buy it? "They" may have had it a while and fed it allot. Good luck with it. They are pretty interesting to me. I just can't keep them alive very long. Allot of info if you do a "search" on this forum.
i got them 8 days ago, i try pinhead crickets and mealworm, and it just catch them and kill them, that is it. mine is baby who is not fat. i keep them in 5 g tank with light heat resource, and use a lot of sand, and temp is around 30C, is it ok to keep them in this condition? thanks anyone, anyway!!!!!
When I saw one of these on a nature show, it was eating termites with a good appetite. Perhaps it wants something like those. Lotsa nutrients in termites.
I kept a solfugid for about a month (until my 4 yr. old had nightmares) and didn't have any of the common problems associated with keeping them. Mine burrowed right away (even though the substrate was lousy for burrows), didn't run excessively, and ate 3-5 small crickets (maybe 1 cm long) once a week.
Do you have a picture of the animal? I have seen solifugae doing this when they are stressed. They are rather fast stressed and then they will bite in anything. They need a big terrarium and a calm environment. The sand should be suitable to dig tunnel systems in.
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