Help breeding N chromatus


May 22, 2010
Starting out with the obvious, i have a Mature Female, which I have had since it was a sling about 6 ish years. I bought the male about 3 weeks ago. He has eaten 4 adult lobster roaches, and has been webbing, but haven't actually seen the whole sperm web thing. female is nice and plump, and takes food. She is in a plastic shoe box (10"w x18"l x 5"h) with half of a pot for a hide. Tried the shark cage method for a couple days, hopefully to encourage sperm web. took top off his enclosure and let him exit on his own. He ether wanders enclosure trying to find a way out or tries to hid in the females hid, but no drumming. Last time I tried this He charged the females hide and she came out and chased him off, some wiggling on the males part this time but no real drumming. Females last molt happened last early fall, so it has been around 6 months. I figured I would mate them, wait and keep male cooler, and see if she lays an egg sack. If she molts instead, I will mate them again. Any thoughts? Thanx for any constructive suggestions.