Some of my latest Ex. laos shots. These are still very small slings but they seem to be amongst the most photogenic. It is almost an airbursh finish on these creatures.
Just curious if the colors remain through to adulthood, I have caught many L. hesperus with cool patterns similar when young juvs., but have never seen them in an adult.
Check the Latro picture sticky at the top of this page for adult L. "Laos", and you should look down through this forum, as a few people have posted incredible pics of adult females. To answer your question- YES they do keep these markings and they actually appear to get brighter and look much like a maple leaf facing down to their spinnerets on the dorsal side of their abdomen.
Crap: I just realised after reading Jordons comments I should move these images into the Latro thread at the top. Too late now I suppose as there are replies.
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