Helianthus laetiflorus sprouted today!


Old Timer
Jul 12, 2007
again from the same company, tm seeds. they sprouted 12 days after being planted, not bad. the packet said they would need 7-21 days to sprout.
it think i did a good job! i did a lot of site planning beforehand and dug a 2 feet deep hole, 3 feet across. i think this specific plant will do very well. i planted them against a fence so they do get a bit of shade. but they still get sunlight, and direct sunlight in the afternoon. ive read they grow in clumps, i already got 3 sprouts. this plant is a cross between helianthus paucilforus and helianthus tuberosus. the roots and flowers are edible i think, when they are cooked.
i dont plan on eating it though. the best part is the plant is a perennial.