Nice pic. That is a fairly sizeable mouse. Did you just toss it alive and active? If so, you may want to be careful. A mouse that size could possibly injure your tarantula. Once a mouse has its claws and teeth fairly well developed, they can cause harm to a tarantula while definding themselves. Its just something to be aware of when feeding larger mice to tarantulas.
I fed my 8.5" T blondi a huge adult mouse the other day. She grabbed it by the neck and it started to try and bit her leg. I got scared but then she readjusted and sunk both fangs and either side of it's eyes. It literally died instantly. Her 1" fangs must have gone straight into the mouses brain, not to mention the venom....
I’ve finally got a spider big enough to kill mice and I’ve developed an interesting system. I bought the mouse from the store for about a dollar and put it into the bathtub with one of my ferrets. The ferret breaks the mouse’s back and I put it in my T's enclosure still twitching. Works well for everyone (except the mouse, though id rather be killed by a giant ferret than a giant spider).
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