I cant seem to see how they can identify prey. I feed mealies since my roaches are adults and too large for them. The whippers just dont seem to want to take them. How can i entice them?
I would suggest something that actually moves around and climbs, like crickets, or any kind of roach you can use. Mealworms are never going to be found climbing around the vertical surfaces where Amblypygids spend most of their time, so it's not surprising that they're not going for them. The ones I feed have no trouble catching anything that climbs around on their cork bark.
I mostly feed crickets to my whip spiders, they also really like moths. When they were smaller I sometimes gave them curly flies or wingless fruitflies.
I have a different species, Euphrynichus bacillifer. But yes, they strike very fast and can take flying insects. On the other hand the cage is not too big so the moth doesnt have very much flying space.
Like I said I use house crickets mostly, that should be fine.
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