Has anyone here gotten a PPQ 526 permit from the USDA/APHIS for Halloween Hissers (Elliptorhina javanica)?


Oct 19, 2021
I have been keeping Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) for about a year and a half, and I'm interested in branching out to keeping halloween hissers, but I understand that unlike MHCs they are regulated by the USDA and require a permit to legally keep or transport across state lines. Has anyone here gone through the process of trying to acquire one of these permits for halloween hissers? I have successfully been through the process of getting PPQ 526 permits for my isopods thanks to Supreme Gecko's thorough YouTube video on the subject, but I have no idea what the requirements might be for Elliptorhina javanica. I intend to email APHIS to ask, but if any of you have insight to share about the process it would be much appreciated!
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Apr 9, 2022
Getting permits for anything is all the same process. I have and am in the process of obtaining permits for species of insects out of Asia.


Jul 11, 2016
No. No one has gone through the trouble just to get some roaches.
You would be very surprised, ha ha.

I have been keeping Madagascar hissing cockroaches (Gromphadorhina portentosa) for about a year and a half, and I'm interested in branching out to keeping halloween hissers, but I understand that unlike MHCs they are regulated by the USDA and require a permit to legally keep or transport across state lines. Has anyone here gone through the process of trying to acquire one of these permits for halloween hissers? I have successfully been through the process of getting PPQ 526 permits for my isopods thanks to Supreme Gecko's thorough YouTube video on the subject, but I have no idea what the requirements might be for Elliptorhina javanica. I intend to email APHIS to ask, but if any of you have insight to share about the process it would be much appreciated!
Should be very similar to isopods and millipedes, both of which have already been discussed a number of times here on Arachnoboards. I would recommend checking out @The Mantis Menagerie's guide for PPQ-526 permits here.




Oct 19, 2021
You would be very surprised, ha ha.

Should be very similar to isopods and millipedes, both of which have already been discussed a number of times here on Arachnoboards. I would recommend checking out @The Mantis Menagerie's guide for PPQ-526 permits here.


Thank you! I actually started with the Mantis Menagerie's guide, and it has been very helpful! At this point I'm mostly trying to figure out if Halloween hissers require a containment facility, because I live in an apartment and from my understanding they tend to reject apartment addresses if the species requires a containment facility. I am also curious about whether the requirements are different if I select "commercial resale - for breeding and sale" as the intended use (if I wanted to be able to sell/exchange to other hobbyists) vs. "private use-pet insect or arthropod (not for resale)". I suppose I could just submit an application and see what they say, but I imagine it would look suspect if I, for example, submit it as commercial resale and switch it to private use if commercial resale has stricter requirements. For isopods, I went into it already knowing that there was a list of 20 approved isopod species that don't require a containment facility and are okay for breeding and sale. I emailed APHIS to ask these questions six days ago but they haven't responded as of yet (and I have no idea when or if to expect a response from them, haha).

A cave cricket

Mar 17, 2022
I don't know, probably don't need a "containment facility" permit.

Btw most people don't give a shortened version of the post