Harmonicon oiapoqueae


Nov 24, 2020
Hello all!

I have this gorgeous Harmonicon oiapoqueae from Tom Patterson.
The spider is rather large with the body of the spider being about 4-5 inches.

I was wondering if anyone else has experience keeping these guys.
I’m not having any particular issues with this species but I’m wondering how large they get along with sexing them.
Unfortunately I ripped the last molt mine have so I was unable to get a sex on this spider.

I Included some fun pictures of mine as well.



Nov 3, 2021
Hello all!

I have this gorgeous Harmonicon oiapoqueae from Tom Patterson.
The spider is rather large with the body of the spider being about 4-5 inches.

I was wondering if anyone else has experience keeping these guys.
I’m not having any particular issues with this species but I’m wondering how large they get along with sexing them.
Unfortunately I ripped the last molt mine have so I was unable to get a sex on this spider.

I Included some fun pictures of mine as well.
I’ve had one for a year now but sadly mine has died today so I decided to give information that I have gathered in my year of keeping it


tempature: room temp

temperment:skittish though I’ve seen mine get in threat posture once but no leg smack/fang smack

Hardiness: quite hardy

venom potency: I’ve heard it’s not medically significant BUT the venom is unknown

enclosure setup:give it moist substrate but not swampy.Give it plenty on anchoring point so it can web.I would say don’t give it a water dish just because I’ve tried and all it does is web over it and drink the water droplets I give it.give it 3 inches of substrate I’ve heard that they burrow but never seen that type of behavior from mine though I gave it a premade burrow which it has used.

They also do seem to mature in a year

and that’s all I have to say hopefully this helped you😃