Happy Holidays From Swift's Invertebrates!!


Old Timer
Aug 20, 2002
Hi Folks, Swift's Invertebrates wants to take the time to thank all our wonderful customers for a fabulous year in 2008!! We are very excited to be heading into our 13th year supplying quality animals on the world wide web! WE ARE VERY THANKFUL FOR YOUR PATRONAGE!

At this time we are coming to a close on our shipping until next year with only 3 shipping days remaining, Dec. 15th, 16th, , and 17th.

Wednesday, Dec. 17th at 12:00PM CST will be the cut off time. So please get your orders in before this time to ensure possible gifts make it in time.

Shipping will return Monday, Jan. 5th 2009. We promise to return in 2009 with new updates and some seriously fascinating new arrivals!

Thank You, and Happy Holidays from Swift's Invertebrates!!
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