Happy healthy slings

Cecelias lair

Nov 1, 2020
I've been working on a little breeding project with my Steatoda nobilis and I'm so happy to see these her slings are over a month old now and are doing great.
I'm now waiting for when it's a warmer few days with steady weather to release them, although being in Britain who knows when that will be. 😂😂😂

I will definitely need to release them soon though. The mother laid another eggsack a few days after I took the first one out and this one is much bigger! So I assume this batch will have more spiders than the last?

Anyway, here's the slings all packed up and ready to go


May 14, 2021
I've been working on a little breeding project with my Steatoda nobilis and I'm so happy to see these her slings are over a month old now and are doing great.
I'm now waiting for when it's a warmer few days with steady weather to release them, although being in Britain who knows when that will be. 😂😂😂

I will definitely need to release them soon though. The mother laid another eggsack a few days after I took the first one out and this one is much bigger! So I assume this batch will have more spiders than the last?

Anyway, here's the slings all packed up and ready to go
View attachment 396903

Cecelias lair

Nov 1, 2020
Thank you 😊

So turns out I left the second eggsack with the mother too long. I got up in the middle of the night to find babies everywhere in the enclosure. I've been painstakingly trying to get them out of there since 2 in the morning 😂😂😂

Also, it's my sister's birthday today so I found it pretty funny timing for them to be born. At least I'll never forget their birthday hahaha
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Jan 17, 2020
Congrats on the east and successful first sac!! and good luck and have with the unexpected second hatched sac ;)

Cecelias lair

Nov 1, 2020
Update 3:

I released all but 6 of the first batch. The remaining scurried more into their pots when I tried to release them and since they don't seem to wanna leave, I decided to keep them all as I was planning to keep a few anyway.

I got the second batch out of the coffin enclosure (bar a few I left in there) and they've been doing great. I've kept this batch in a jar together. And it's been interesting watching them live communally and sharing food. The most drama I've seen from them is them fighting each other for flies. Although after a while they give up and end up sharing lol.
Interestingly there seems to be about the same amount as the first batch even though the egg sack looked bigger. But then I noticed there seems to be more bigger ones this time. I'm wondering if that means there's just more males in this one.

Oh and a week after the second batch hatched. . . Cecelia laid another egg sack! This one is much smaller so I hope it will be her last. I was expecting there to be more than one eggsack but I was not prepared for her to lay them so soon after each other.

All in all I'm so glad of how successful my first attempt at breeding has been. And I'm so proud of my spider. She's done amazingly well at being a spider mum. 🙂