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Hapalopus sp Colombia Large


Arachnosupporter +
Mar 30, 2008
Success!!! Very excited to be the first U.S. captive raised, bred, & then successful hatching out of this beautiful stunning specie.

Successful Breeding : Took place on approximatly 2-15-2011 Sac made 3-27-2011

Breeding 1: (Again one of the most amazing breeding I have seen): Female and Male were introduced and the male entered the enclosure tapping, but hesitant. The female began leg shaking and immediatly pursude the male. In fact, she followed the male on a journey unlike I had ever seen. She followed him up the side of the enclosure then stopped, he ran more out onto the top of the cage and she followed. Again this continued up the side of the wall, and literally around the room until the male finally inserted. After a short 5 seconds of insertion he pulled back and the female amazingly retreated back to her enclosure. I carried the male back to his as he was trying to run around the room.

Breeding 2: Almost the exact same retreat/pursue method, but the male being more confident moved in earlier and mated on the side of the enclosure. After a quick insertion the female wrapped him and ate him quickly.

At 22 days of incubation the sac looked great and full, but I noticed the female biting abnormaly at the sac and then began to eat it. I immediatly brushed her away and grabbed the sac to find 28 eggs with legs, 5 non fertile eggs, and 7 of the eggs with legs were not in good shape from the mothers eating attempts. I did what I could to clean them off and managed to save a few of the at risk eggs with tweezers, needle, and paper towell. After 41 days and all was said and done I now have 25 very fast 2nd instar spiderlings zooming around.


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Old Timer
Apr 9, 2009
Hapalopus sp. Columbia "Pumpkin Patch" Success!


We have dreamed about producing these ever since we got our slings, and now it is a reality. The 2nd in the U.S.A. (that we know of) to get a successful eggsac is pretty exciting. Here are the details:

Breeding took place on 9-9-2011. Like Joe Rossi said it was one of the most fascinating courtship we have ever witnessed. We introduced the male into the females cage, and the female was deep in her burrow. The male drummed at her doorstep, and moments later the female came out drumming as well. They were both very receptive to eachother, but every time they would get close and touch legs he would back away and continue to drum. This went on for quite a while. They were cruising all around the cage, and he started to try and insert on the side of the cage, but they both fell to the substrate and he landed on top of her and "manhandled" her until the job was done. The female was basically on her back the whole time he was inserting. After the deed was done they both calmly walked away; the female into her burrow, and the male strutted away until we got him back into his own quarters. Pretty fun to watch.

We aren't quite sure on the exact date that the eggsac was formed because she completely enclosed herself underground, but it was sometime around the end of Sept. or beginning of Oct. She got busy pretty quick after breeding.

The eggsac was pulled on 10-20-2011. When we opened the eggsac all but 1 egg had molted into 1st instar. We had x40 1st instar slings, x1 eggs with legs, and about x7 infertile eggs. Pretty good for such a small girl, and it being her first eggsac. We kept them together for a while, but noticed a few getting very large (predation?) so we separated them into their own little vials. They could've been feeding on eachother in the eggsac, but we can't be sure.

They all started molting into 2nd instar on 11-5-2011. We now have x37 2nd instar slings! Wahoo!!!

Here are some photos of the whole process:
Eggsac before opening.jpg
Hapalopus sp. eggsac.jpg
Hapalopus sp. with eggsac.JPG

Thanks for looking, and we should have these for sale soon. We'll post more pictures of the 1st instar and 2nd instar.

The Fishers

martin lees

Nov 20, 2011
Hapolopus sp.Columbia(large form)

I bought an AF and a MM early December and paired them on 30/12/12
After I witnessed a sperm web by the MM.
I also paired them again a few weeks later and the male got a good insert this time.The female was very receptive and showed no aggression.
For the next month i left the AF,s enclosure at around 75.f and fed her one medium cricket a week.Around the middle of February I put the enclosure on the top shelf at 80'f and wetted one half of substrata.
March 4th,2013. Female dropped eggsack.
March 30th,2013.Pulled eggsack.
And there were around 150 Eggs with legs.
These were put in incubator and molted to n2 within a week.
After 3 weeks i separated then into deli pots with substrata in 3 groups of 40 and one of 30.
After another week they were all spiderlings.
Unfortunately the air hole in the tubs must have been a bit large and over 30 escaped into the house.(found only 7)
Total potted up 124


Oct 13, 2014
3/5/15-- first pairing took place on this day, with one successful insertion.

3/14/15-- second pairing took place on this day, no successful insertions, both male and female seemed uninterested in eachother.

3/19/15-- female displayed odd behavior, covering up one side of her hide with substrate and then covering her waterdish and digging directly below it.

3/23/15-- eggsac was laid on this day, it was laid pretty fast so i was a bit worried that it was going to be an infertile sac.

4/13/15-- pulled sac exactly 21 days from the day it was laid because i was worried after seeing two dark black spots on the side of the sac a week prior.

there was only 3 bad eggs in the entire sac and countless EWLs!! i was surprised at how much eggs there was in the sac and that nearly all of them were healthy.





today (4/26/15) the H. sp. Colombia "large" EWLs have molted into 1st instar:)
