Before one of my friends pointed me to this board, I always thought tarantula's were.. well. Scary. Infact, the only run in I've had with a spider was when I was trying to give my dog a bath (outside) and opened a fold up-chair and the thing just SPRANG outwards when the chair opened. It was completely flat and light brown, fuzzy, HUGE.. I didn't exactly stay around to take a real close look at it. (Can anyone tell me what it was?) My views have changed now, and I think that they're beautiful creatures, some of them are even outright cute!
But, but. I've read all these posts and seen all these pictures with people holding their T's. How exactly does one 'handle' a T safely? As in, picking it up and all? I've read that some of you keep them in huge tanks.. do they really tolerate being plucked up? It's something I've always been curious about, picking up a spider without it getting agitated. Is there a technique? Special spider picker-uppers? I mean, there are days where I can't even pick up my cat without her yowling like it's water-torture. :?
Sorry for my newb-ness, but I've just recently become fascinated by these creatures and developed a respect for the people that keep them.. it's just something I've always been curious about. :8o
But, but. I've read all these posts and seen all these pictures with people holding their T's. How exactly does one 'handle' a T safely? As in, picking it up and all? I've read that some of you keep them in huge tanks.. do they really tolerate being plucked up? It's something I've always been curious about, picking up a spider without it getting agitated. Is there a technique? Special spider picker-uppers? I mean, there are days where I can't even pick up my cat without her yowling like it's water-torture. :?
Sorry for my newb-ness, but I've just recently become fascinated by these creatures and developed a respect for the people that keep them.. it's just something I've always been curious about. :8o